Joaquim Mamede Alonso
- Type: Integrated
- Last academic degree: PhD
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4254-3508
- Scopus ID: 36757795500
- Researcher ID/Publons:
- Ciência ID: C31F-BEDB-4B90
Short biography
My academic EDUCATION AND TRAINING began with a BSc in Engineering (1995) and a MSc in Land Development/Natural Resources Management (UTAD) and FLAD fellowship at University of Illinois. I holds my PhD in Information Management-Geographic Information Systems (NOVAIMS) related to assess/evaluate of regional/local spatial data infrastructure development. My PROFESSIONAL career began as Assistant (UTAD 1995-1998), followed by Assistant (1998-2000), Auxiliary Professor (2000-2023) and Associate Professor (2023- ) in Life and Earth Sciences-Environmental Sciences Group (IPVC).
I have 30 years' experience in submit, teach and coordinate (post)graduate degrees/courses in spatial data science and geoinformatics applied to socio-environmental systems analysis and land management. As a researcher, I was a integrated member at Center of Excellence/Associated Lab (BIOPOLIS/CIBIO.InBIO) in Environmental Biology, Ecossystem Research and Agrobioversity (FCT) (2008-2024) (Univ of Porto). In 2018, I co-lead the submission, collaborate (2019-2023) and integrate as member (since 2024) proMetheus- Research Unit in Materials, Energy and Environment for Sustainability (FCT) and ADiT-Lab (Applied Digital Transformation Laboratory). From 2019 I coordinate the Line 3: Territory, Environment and Sustainability of NUTRIR (Technological Center for Agri-Food Sustainability). Founder and coordinator of Spatial Data and Environmental Systems Analysis Lab since 2001, was Vice-President (ESA-IPVC; 2001-2004), Head of General Assembly (2001-2007) interrupting my scientific activity during this period, Member (2001-2019) and Head of Pedagogic Council (2019-2024), Member of General Council IPVC (2012-2024). Also, Member of National Commissions (CT145- Sustainable Forest Management) (2014-¿); Water, Agriculture and Forests (CEAAF) (2018-...), Risks and Civil Protection, and (inter)national knowledge networks (PORBIOTA/LTER+, LIFEWATCH; INSPIRE/COPERNICUS),
Adviser EU/FP7 and Expert Reviewer IPCC (AR6). My main contributions are related to my research interests: (1) geoinformatics technologies, systems and infrastructures development (tools); (2) used to complex and adaptive socio-ecological systems analysis (methods); (3) associated with individuals, organisations and territories capacity building (organisation) (4) and through observation/monitoring/evaluation processes (process analysis); (5) aiming innovative governance in smart rural areas (systems optimisation).
Name |
Evaluation of Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) Trappability in Alto-Minho, Portugal: Commercial vs. Artisanal Equipment, Human Factors, Geography, Climatology, and VegetationF. Mata, J.M. Alonso, C. Cano-Díaz Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 14, 17, (2024), ind_type:2 |
Evaluation of Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) Trappability in Alto-Minho, Portugal: Commercial vs. Artisanal Equipment, Human Factors, Geography, Climatology, and VegetationNogueira, J.; Alonso, J.M.; Araújo, J. P.; Simões, S.; Nunes, L.; Leitão, B. XIV Congresso Ibero-americano de Estudos Rurais, (2024), ind_type:9 |
Evaluation of Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) Trappability in Alto-Minho, Portugal: Commercial vs. Artisanal Equipment, Human Factors, Geography, Climatology, and VegetationOptimization 2023 Conference, (2024), ind_type:9 |
Evaluation of Asian Hornet (Vespa velutina) Trappability in Alto-Minho, Portugal: Commercial vs. Artisanal Equipment, Human Factors, Geography, Climatology, and VegetationAna I. Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Ana C. Rodrigues, Renata Coura, Luís M. Brito, Renato Silva and Joaquim M. Alonso S4Agro23 Sustainable Solutions for the Agronindustrial Sector, (2023), ind_type:9 |
Sentinel-2 Time Series and Classifier Fusion to Map an Aquatic Invasive Plant Species along a River—The Case of Water-HyacinthN. Mouta, R. Silva, E.M. Pinto, A.S. Vaz, J.M. Alonso, J.F. Gonçalves, J. Honrado, J.R. Vicente Remote Sensing, Volume 15, 13, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Sentinel-2 Time Series and Classifier Fusion to Map an Aquatic Invasive Plant Species along a River—The Case of Water-HyacinthAlonso, J.; Castro, P.; Ribeiro, J.; Martins, I.; Mamede, J.; Machado, A.; Brito, A.. Recursos Hídricos, Volume 32, 1, (2023), ind_type:5 |
Acontece in Loco – Campo do Gerês. Animação comunitária e governança colaborativa para o desenvolvimento sustentável de territórios de montanha do MinhoNogueira, J., Simões. S.; Araújo, J. P.; Alonso, J.; Santos, S.; Brandão, D. (2023), ind_type:7 |
Common lands, landscape management and rural development: A case study in a mountain village in northwest Portugal Skupna zemljiš?a, upravljanje pokrajin in razvoj podeželja: študija primera gorske vasi na severozahodu PortugalskeJ. Nogueira, J.P. Araújo, J.M. Alonso, S. Simões Acta Geographica Slovenica, Volume 63, 3, (2023), 51-67 ind_type:2 |
Modelling invasion by Australian acacia species: Progress, challenges and opportunitiesJ.R. Vicente, E.M. Pinto, A. Guisan, C. Kueffer, E. Marchante, I. Kühn, J.A. Cabral, J. Gonçalves, J.P. Honrado, J. Alonso, M. Santos, N. Mouta, R. Bastos, S. Hall, V. Lozano, A.S. Vaz Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World, (2023), 496-513 ind_type:2 |
Modelling invasion by Australian acacia species: Progress, challenges and opportunitiesTânia Gonçalves-Rodrigues, Renato Silva, Nuno Mouta, Cristiano Barros, Susana Mendes, Cláudio Araújo-Paredes, Isabel Valín, Lourenço Charters, Joaquim Alonso IX Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo, (2022), ind_type:9 |
Fine-tuning the BFOLDS Fire Regime Module to support the assessment of fire-related functions and services in a changing Mediterranean mountain landscapeÂngelo Sil, João C. Azevedo, Paulo M. Fernandes, Joaquim Alonso, João P. Honrado Environmental Modelling and Software, Volume 155, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Fine-tuning the BFOLDS Fire Regime Module to support the assessment of fire-related functions and services in a changing Mediterranean mountain landscapeRenata D'arc Coura, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Ferraz, João C.C. Abrantes, Joaquim Mamede Alonso, Miguel Brito Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial Patente de Invenção Nacional, 116114, (2022), ind_type:12 |
SICAP - Cadastral Information and Property Management System SICAP – Sistema de Informação Cadastral e Administração de PropriedadesFilipe Dias Rodrigues, Joaquim Mamede Alonso, Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Castro Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, Volume 2022-June, (2022), ind_type:2 |
SICAP - Cadastral Information and Property Management System SICAP – Sistema de Informação Cadastral e Administração de PropriedadesAna Isabel Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Joaquim Alonso, Renata D’Arc Coura, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Márcio Meira, Hugo Fernandes, Sofia Gonçalves, Telma Freitas, Cláudia Campos, Inês Esteves, Telma Araújo, T 7ª Semana TerraECO, 10as Jornadas em Ciências Biotecnológicas, (2022), ind_type:9 |
SICAP - Cadastral Information and Property Management System SICAP – Sistema de Informação Cadastral e Administração de PropriedadesJoaquim Alonso, Pedro Castro, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Joana Nogueira, Sérgio Costa, Vanessa Ramos, Miguel Brito IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, CNESA22, (2022), ind_type:10 |
Effects of input data sources on species distribution model predictions across species with different distributional rangesS. Arenas-Castro, A. Regos, I. Martins, J. Honrado, J. Alonso Journal of Biogeography, Volume 49, 7, (2022), 1299-1312 ind_type:2 |
Effects of input data sources on species distribution model predictions across species with different distributional rangesJoaquim Alonso, Pedro Castro, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Joana Nogueira, Sérgio Costa, Vanessa Ramos, Miguel Brito Livro de resumos do IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), 202 ind_type:11 |
Effects of input data sources on species distribution model predictions across species with different distributional rangesTânia Gonçalves-Rodrigues, Renato Silva, Nuno Mouta, Cristiano Barros, Susana Mendes, Cláudio Araújo-Paredes, Isabel Valín, Lourenço Charters, Joaquim Alonso IX Congresso Ibérico das Ciências do Solo, (2022), ind_type:11 |
Effects of input data sources on species distribution model predictions across species with different distributional rangesFerraz A.I., Alonso, J.M., Pereira, F., Alves, P., Calheiros, C., Rodrigues A.C. 4th Smallwat21v, 17-18 junho, (2021), ind_type:10 |
Effects of input data sources on species distribution model predictions across species with different distributional rangesFerraz, A.I.; Alonso J.M.; Pereira, F.; Alves, P.; Calheiros, C.; Rodrigues, A.C. . International Congress Smallwat21v – Abstract book, (2021), ind_type:11 |
Combined pretreatment by ultrasound and struvite precipitation of raw substrates: A strategy to overcome cn ratio unbalance in nitrogen-rich anaerobic co-digestion systemsR.D. Coura, A.C. Rodrigues, J.M. Alonso, A.I. Ferraz, L.M. Brito, J.C.C. Abrantes, A.G. Brito Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 13, 4, (2021), 1-14 ind_type:2 |
Combined pretreatment by ultrasound and struvite precipitation of raw substrates: A strategy to overcome cn ratio unbalance in nitrogen-rich anaerobic co-digestion systemsSilva, S., Alonso, J., Santos, J., Santos, J. XXI Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Investigação Operacional – IO2021, (2021), ind_type:9 |
‘The Best of Two Worlds’—Combining Classifier Fusion and Ecological Models to Map and Explain Landscape Invasion by an Alien ShrubNuno Mouta, Renato Silva, Silvana Pais, Joaquim M. Alonso, João F. Gonçalves, João Honrado, Joana R. Vicente Remote Sensing, Volume 13, 16, (2021), 3287 ind_type:2 |
‘The Best of Two Worlds’—Combining Classifier Fusion and Ecological Models to Map and Explain Landscape Invasion by an Alien ShrubAlonso, J., Leitão, B., Jesus, I., Guerra, C., & Paredes, C. Proceeding of the 10 Anos e Encontros Vínicos Do Vinho Verde, (2021), ind_type:11 |
SPATIALLY EXPLICIT MODEL FOR ANAEROBIC CO-DIGESTION FACILITIES LOCATION AND PRE-DIMENSIONING IN NORTHWEST PORTUGALOliveira, A. C.; Mocellin, V. C. Agrárias: Pesquisa e Inovação nas Ciências que Alimentam o Mundo VII, (2021), 49-62 ind_type:8 |
Spatially explicit model for anaerobic co-digestion facilities location and pre-dimensioning considering spatial distribution of resource supply and biogas yield in northwest portugalRenata D’arc Coura, Joaquim Mamede Alonso, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Nuno Mouta, Renato Silva, A. G. Brito Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 11, 4, (2021), 1-18 ind_type:2 |
Training systems evaluation of Vitis vinifera L. ‘Alvarinho’ (Vinhos Verdes PDO region) to physiological and productive parametersM.I. Valín, C. Araújo-Paredes, S. Mendes, J. Dafonte, J. Alonso, A.S. Rodrigues, J.J. Cancela Acta Horticulturae, Volume 1314, 1314, (2021), 375-382 ind_type:2 |
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCsDuarte N. M. Alves, José L. Míguez Tabarés, Elena Rivo-Lopez, A. Saavedra, Maria E. A. Fariña, Joaquim M. Alonso, Leonel J. R. Nunes International Journal of Sustainable Energy, (2021), 1-18 ind_type:2 |
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCsFerraz A.I., Afonso I., Rodrigues A.S., Alonso J., Mendes S., Vale A.P., Pereira J., Alves M., Senra E., Oliveira E., Oliveira C., Pais S., Figueiredo S., Rodrigues A.C. 10 Anos de Encontros Vínicos do vinho Verde. Atas, (2021), ind_type:11 |
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCsSilva, R., Mouta, N., Pais. S., Velho, D., & Alonso, J. Proceedings of the XIX National Ecology Meeting: Challenges for the New Decade, (2020), 89 ind_type:11 |
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCsVelho, D., Silva, R., Mouta, N., Pais, S., & Alonso, J. Proceedings of the XIX National Ecology Meeting: Challenges for the New Decade, (2020), ind_type:11 |
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCsAraújo-Paredes, C., Valín, I., Alonso, J., Portela, F., Marques, C., & Mendes, S. II Simpósio Ibérico de Engenharia Hortícola, (2020), ind_type:11 |
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCsAlonso, J.; Mouta, N.; Silva, R.; Rodrigues, A.C.; Ferraz, A.; Estevens, S.; Caldas, B. III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), ind_type:10 |
TERRA@ENO - Terroir and agro-ecological zoning as a critical factor for the competitiveness and innovation of Vinhos VerdesMendes, S., Alonso, J., Castro, P., Araújo-Paredes, C., Valín, M. I., Rodrigues, A. S., Afonso, I., Santos, J. C., Lourenço, M., Sobrinho, R., Cortez, I., Moutinho-Pereira, J., & Baptista, A. Proceedings of the 10th Iberian Agroengineering Congress, (2019), 629–633 ind_type:11 |
TERRA@ENO - Terroir and agro-ecological zoning as a critical factor for the competitiveness and innovation of Vinhos VerdesNUNES, L.J.R., NOGUEIRA, J., FERRAZ, A., RODRIGUES, A.C., TOMÉ, M., SILVA, S., PAREDES, C., ALONSO, J.M., REGO, R., ALVES, D., RESENDE, P. VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais, (2019), ind_type:9 |
TERRA@ENO - Terroir and agro-ecological zoning as a critical factor for the competitiveness and innovation of Vinhos VerdesMendes, S., Araújo-Paredes, C., Valín, M. I., Fernandes, A., & Alonso, J. Proceedings of the III National Congress of Agricultural Higher Schools, (2019), 84 ind_type:11 |
TERRA@ENO - Terroir and agro-ecological zoning as a critical factor for the competitiveness and innovation of Vinhos VerdesAlonso, J.; Mouta, N.; Silva, R.; Rodrigues, A.C.; Ferraz, A.; Estevens, S.; Caldas, B. Livro de Resumos do III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), 92 ind_type:11 |
TERRA@ENO - Terroir and agro-ecological zoning as a critical factor for the competitiveness and innovation of Vinhos VerdesFerraz A.I., Afonso I., Rodrigues A.S., Alonso J., Mendes S., Vale A.P., Pereira J., Alves M., Senra E., Oliveira E., Oliveira C., Pais S., Figueiredo S., Rodrigues A.C. IX Encontros Vínicos do Vinho Verde, (2019), ind_type:9 |
TERRA@ENO - Terroir and agro-ecological zoning as a critical factor for the competitiveness and innovation of Vinhos VerdesFerraz, A.I.; Afonso, I.; Rodrigues., A.S.; Alonso, J.; Mendes, S.; Vale, A.P.; Pereira, J.; Alves, M.; Senra, E.; Ribeiro, E.; Oliveira, C.; Pais, S.; Figueiredo, S.; Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de Resumos do III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), 195 ind_type:11 |
TERRA@ENO - Terroir and agro-ecological zoning as a critical factor for the competitiveness and innovation of Vinhos VerdesSilva, R., Saavedra, A. C., Mouta, N., Rodrigues, A., Paredes, C., Mendes, S., Valín, I., & Alonso, J. Proceedings of the 1st Science & Wine World Congress, (2019), 59 ind_type:11 |
Farmland abandonment decreases the fire regulation capacity and the fire protection ecosystem service in mountain landscapesÂngelo Sil, Paulo M. Fernandes, Ana Paula Rodrigues, Joaquim M. Alonso, João P. Honrado, Ajith Perera, João C. Azevedo Ecosystem Services, Volume 36, (2019), 100908 ind_type:2 |
Utilização de técnicas de termografia para avaliação do estado hídrico da Vitis vinefera cv LoureiroValín, M. I., Araújo-Paredes, C., Alonso, J., Rodrigues, A. S., & Mendes, S. X Congresso Ibérico de AgroEngenharia, (2019), ind_type:11 |
Agro-ecological terroir units in the North West Iberian Peninsula wine regionsCardoso, A.S., Alonso, J., Rodrigues, A.S., Araújo-Paredes, C., Mendes, S., Valín, M.I. Applied Geography, Volume 107, (2019), 51-62 ind_type:2 |
Agro-ecological terroir units in the North West Iberian Peninsula wine regionsAna Isabel Ferraz, Isabel Afonso, Ana Sofia Rodrigues, Joaquim Alonso, Susana Mendes, Ana Paula Vale, Jéssica Pereira, Margarida Alves, Emanuel Senra, Eduarda Oliveira, Cláudia Oliveira, Sandra Pais, Voz do Campo, Revista do Setor Agrário, Arigos Técnicos e de Ciência I-II., (2019), ind_type:5 |
Agro-ecological terroir units in the North West Iberian Peninsula wine regionsFerraz, A.I.; Afonso, I.; Rodrigues., A.S.; Alonso, J.; Mendes, S.; Vale, A.P.; Pereira, J.; Alves, M.; Senra, E.; Ribeiro, E.; Oliveira, C.; Pais, S.; Figueiredo, S.; Rodrigues, A.C. III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Agro-ecological terroir units in the North West Iberian Peninsula wine regionsAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Eco-Bio 2018: Team up to accelerate the global bioeconomy, (2018), ind_type:10 |
Agro-ecological terroir units in the North West Iberian Peninsula wine regionsAfonso, I.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Eco-Bio 2018 Book of Abstracts , (2018), ind_type:11 |
Agro-ecological terroir units in the North West Iberian Peninsula wine regionsAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Internet Journal of Viticulture and enology, n. 12/2., (2018), ind_type:5 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)Cristóvão Rodrigues, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Cândida Vilarinho, Madalena Alves, Joaquim Mamede Alonso Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Volume 505, (2018), 626-632 ind_type:2 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)Ias Jornadas Técnico-Científicas do IPVC, Auditório Francisco Sampaio - ESTG ALONSO, J.M., RODRIGUES, A.C., FERRAZ, A.I., GUEDES, A.P., CALDAS, B., PAREDES, C., NUNES, L.J.R., BRITO, L.M., DIAS, M.G., VALIN, M.I., (2017), ind_type:9 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)Isabel Valín, Cristina Rodrigues, Joaquim Alonso, Susana Mendes, Ana Paula Vale, Sofia Rodrigues, Ana Ferraz, Claudio Paredes, Isabel Afonso, Joana Nogueira, Julio César Lopes, Raúl Rodrigues A investigación em viticultura na Eurorregión, (2017), ind_type:9 |
Analysing carbon sequestration and storage dynamics in a changing mountain landscape in Portugal: Insights for management and planningÂ. Sil, F. Fonseca, J. Gonçalves, J. Honrado, C. Marta-Pedroso, J. Alonso, M. Ramos, J.C. Azevedo International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management, Volume 13, 2, (2017), 82-104 ind_type:2 |
Analysing carbon sequestration and storage dynamics in a changing mountain landscape in Portugal: Insights for management and planningAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Pereira, J.; Alves, M.; A.R., Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de Resumos do II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), 200-201 ind_type:11 |
Analysing carbon sequestration and storage dynamics in a changing mountain landscape in Portugal: Insights for management and planningAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Pereira, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), ind_type:10 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesSilva, S., Rodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Alonso, J. Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach, (2017), 339-366 ind_type:2 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C.. Enoforum - Innovazione ed Eccellenza, (2017), ind_type:10 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesSilva, S.; Rodrigues A.; Ferraz, A.; Alonso, J. Waste Biomass Management – A Holistic Approach, (2017), 339-366 ind_type:8 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), ind_type:9 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de Resumos do II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), 185-186 ind_type:11 |
Cost-effective monitoring of biological invasions under global change: a model-based frameworkVicente, J.R., Alagador, D., Guerra, C., Alonso, J.M., Kueffer, C., Vaz, A.S., Fernandes, R.F., Cabral, J.A., Araújo, M.B., Honrado, J.P. Journal of Applied Ecology, Volume 53, 5, (2016), 1317-1329 ind_type:2 |
Trade-offs and Synergies between Provisioning and Regulating Ecosystem Services in a Mountain Area in Portugal Affected by Landscape ChangeSil, A., Rodrigues, A.P., Carvalho-Santos, C., Nunes, J.P., Honrado, J., Alonso, J., Marta-Pedroso, C., Azevedo, J.C. Mountain Research and Development, Volume 36, 4, (2016), 452-464 ind_type:2 |
Anticipating invasions and managing impacts: A review of recent spatiotemporal modelling approachesSantos, M., Bastos, R., Vicente, J., Berger, U., Soares Filho, B.S., Rodrigues, H., Alonso, J., Guerra, C., Martins, J., Honrado, J., Cabral, J.A. Biological Invasions in Changing Ecosystems: Vectors, Ecological Impacts, Management and Predictions, (2015), 389-410 ind_type:2 |
Can we predict habitat quality from space? A multi-indicator assessment based on an automated knowledge-driven systemVaz, A.S., Marcos, B., Goncalves, J., Monteiro, A., Alves, P., Civantos, E., Lucas, R., Mairota, P., Garcia-Robles, J., Alonso, J., Blonda, P., Lomba, A., Honrado, J.P. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 37, (2015), 106-113 ind_type:2 |
Evaluating the fitness for use of spatial data sets to promote quality in ecological assessment and monitoringPôças, I., Gonçalves, J., Marcos, B., Alonso, J., Castro, P., Honrado, J.P. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 28, 11, (2014), 2356-2371 ind_type:2 |
Evaluating the fitness for use of spatial data sets to promote quality in ecological assessment and monitoringHonrado, J; Alonso, J. Teixeira, R. Stockler, C. (2014), ind_type:7 |
Mapping and monitoring High Nature Value farmlands: Challenges in European landscapesLomba, A., Guerra, C., Alonso, J., Honrado, J.P., Jongman, R., McCracken, D. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 143, (2014), 140-150 ind_type:2 |
Mapping and monitoring High Nature Value farmlands: Challenges in European landscapesR. Coura, A. Ferraz, J. Alonso, A.C. Rodrigues International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management Book of Abstracts, (2014), 332 ind_type:11 |
A spatially explicit methodology for a priori estimation of field survey effort in environmental observation networksGuerra, C., Metzger, M.J., Honrado, J., Alonso, J. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Volume 27, 10, (2013), 2077-2098 ind_type:2 |
A spatially explicit methodology for a priori estimation of field survey effort in environmental observation networksJ. Correia, A. Ferraz, A. C. Rodrigues, A. Martins, J. Alonso Livro de Atas da 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, (2013), 472-477 ind_type:11 |
A spatially explicit methodology for a priori estimation of field survey effort in environmental observation networksCastro, P., Ribeiro, J., Martins, L., Alonso, J. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, (2013), ind_type:2 |
A spatially explicit methodology for a priori estimation of field survey effort in environmental observation networksMartins, A., Rodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Correia, J., Alonso, J.M. Livro de Atas da 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, (2013), 478-483 ind_type:11 |
A spatially explicit methodology for a priori estimation of field survey effort in environmental observation networksAlonso, J., Martins, I., Guerra, C., Castro, P. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI, (2013), ind_type:2 |
Novel Tools to Improve the Management of Spatial Data Quality in the Context of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Monitoring, GI_Forum 2013 - Creating the GISocietyPedro Castro; Joaquim Mamede Alonso; Carlos António Guerra; Joao Honrado GI_Forum 2013 - Creating the GISociety, (2013), ind_type:11 |
Novel Tools to Improve the Management of Spatial Data Quality in the Context of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Monitoring, GI_Forum 2013 - Creating the GISocietyJ. Correia, A. Ferraz, A. C. Rodrigues, A. Martins, J. Alonso 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, (2013), ind_type:9 |
Novel Tools to Improve the Management of Spatial Data Quality in the Context of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Monitoring, GI_Forum 2013 - Creating the GISocietyMartins, A., Rodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Correia, J., Alonso, J.M. 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, (2013), ind_type:9 |
Novel Tools to Improve the Management of Spatial Data Quality in the Context of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Monitoring, GI_Forum 2013 - Creating the GISocietyAlonso, J., Guerra, C., Paredes, C., Santos, S. (2012), ind_type:7 |
Novel Tools to Improve the Management of Spatial Data Quality in the Context of Ecosystem and Biodiversity Monitoring, GI_Forum 2013 - Creating the GISocietyRodrigues A. C., Ferraz, A. I., Macho, R., Alonso, J. M. ECO STP – EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, IWA, (2012), ind_type:10 |
Testing a novel spatially-explicit dynamic modelling approach in the scope of the laurel forest management for the endangered Azores bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina) conservationBastos, R., Santos, M., Ramos, J.A., Vicente, J., Guerra, C., Alonso, J., Honrado, J., Ceia, R.S., Timóteo, S., Cabral, J.A. Biological Conservation, Volume 147, 1, (2012), 243-254 ind_type:2 |
Gestão de efluentes nas explorações leiteiras do Entre Douro e MinhoBrito, L.M, Alonso, J.M., Mamede J.F. e Rey-Grana, M.J. evista de Ciências Agrárias, Volume 34, 2, (2011), 80-93 ind_type:5 |
Gestão de efluentes nas explorações leiteiras do Entre Douro e MinhoRodrigues, A., Ferraz, A. e Alonso, J. 14th Ramiran International Conference on Treatment and use of organic residues in agricultura: Challenges and Opportunities towards sustainable management, (2010), ind_type:10 |
Gestão de efluentes nas explorações leiteiras do Entre Douro e MinhoRodrigues, A., Ferraz, A., Alonso, J. Procedings of the 14th Ramiran International Conference of the FAO ESCORENA Network on the Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture. Treatment and Use of Organic Res, (2010), ind_type:11 |
Gestão de efluentes nas explorações leiteiras do Entre Douro e MinhoRodrigues, A., Ferraz, A., Mamede, J. e Alonso, J. 3rd International Congress of Energy, Environmental Engineering and Management, (2009), ind_type:9 |
Gestão de efluentes nas explorações leiteiras do Entre Douro e MinhoRodrigues, A., Ferraz, A., Mamede, J. e Alonso, J. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Energy, Environmental Engineering and Management, (2009), 83 ind_type:11 |
Stability and resilience in macrobenthic communities: The role of habitat disturbanceGuerra, C., Cobo, F., Gonzlez, M., Alonso, J. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 106, (2007), 215-223 ind_type:2 |
GIS based land use planning and watershed monitoring as tools for sustainable developmentAlonso, J., Rey, J., Castro, P., Guerra, C. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 106, (2007), 205-214 ind_type:2 |
Name |
PRR-C05-i03-I-000241 | Joana Lopes Teixeira Nogueira Santos | From: 2023-04-01 To: 2025-09-30 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
PCIF/RPG/0170/2019 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2021-01-02 To: 2024-01-31 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000204 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2021-01-01 To: 2023-11-30 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000043 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2020-10-01 To: 2023-09-30 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046112 | Ana Isabel Oliveira Faria Ferraz | From: 2020-07-01 To: 2023-06-30 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-070301 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2021-04-03 To: 2023-06-30 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032485 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2021-01-01 To: 2023-04-06 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
PCIF/MPG/0108/2017 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2019-02-01 To: 2023-01-31 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
PDR2020-101-031663 (Parceria n.º - 134 / Iniciativa n.º - 306) | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2017-07-01 To: 2022-12-31 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022127 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2017-06-17 To: 2022-12-15 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
Verão Com Ciência | Ana Isabel Oliveira Faria Ferraz | From: 2022-08-01 To: 2022-09-15 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
2369_FORVALUE_1_E | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2018-01-01 To: 2022-07-31 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:22 |
proMetheus 9/2021 | Joana Lopes Teixeira Nogueira Santos | From: 2022-02-01 To: 2022-07-31 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:23 |
010801220 - FUNDO AMBIENTAL | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2021-11-09 To: 2022-03-31 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
Candidatura nº 1016 - Projeto SEIVA - Aviso n.º 6700/2021 | Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues | From: 2021-09-06 To: 2022-02-06 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
0015_Biomasa_AP_1_E | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2017-04-01 To: 2020-12-31 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:22 |
POCI-01-0247-FEDER-003447 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2016-04-01 To: 2019-01-21 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
POCI-02-0853-FEDER-017113 | Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues | From: 2016-05-01 To: 2018-04-30 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
| | From: 2013-07-01 To: 2015-09-30 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
| | From: 2010-04-01 To: 2013-09-30 Joaquim Mamede Alonso ind_type:25 |
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Projects: 2
Affordable and Clean Energy
Publications: 5
Projects: 1
Climate Action
Publications: 1
Projects: 3
External Services: 1
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Publications: 2
Projects: 4
External Services: 1
Responsible Consuption and Production
Publications: 2
Projects: 8
External Services: 2
Life Below Water
Projects: 1