Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes
- leonelnunes@esce.ipvc.pt
- Type: Integrated
- Last academic degree: PhD
- ORCID: 0000-0001-5404-8163
- Scopus ID: 55767139100
- Researcher ID/Publons: I-7097-2015
- Ciência ID: 511B-3F30-F457
Short biography
Sou, desde 2015, Doutorado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial pela Universidade da Beira Interior, onde defendi com sucesso a tese intitulada "A Utilização de Biomassa como Alternativa Energética para a Sustentabilidade e Competitividade da Indústria Portuguesa", e também Doutorado em Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais pela Universidade de Évora e pela Universidade do Algarve, tendo defendido com sucesso, em 2024, a tese intitulada “O Impacte das Alterações Climáticas na Variabilidade Ambiental e na Definição de Estratégias para a Floresta Portuguesa: o Controlo de Espécies Invasoras através da Valorização Energética”. Anteriormente, obtive os graus de Licenciado em Geologia (Ramo Científico) no Departamento de Ciências da Terra da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (1996), de Licenciado em Geologia no Departamento de Ciências da Terra da Escola de Ciências da Universidade do Minho (2008) e de Licenciado em Ciências de Engenharia - Engenharia de Minas e Geoambiente pelo Departamento de Engenharia de Minas da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (2017). Obtive também o grau de Mestre em Hidráulica e Recursos Hídricos pelo Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa (1999), com uma dissertação intitulada “Modelação da Evolução da Linha de Costa”, e em Engenharia Geológica (Ramo Georrecursos) pelo Departamento de Ciências da Terra da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2011), com uma dissertação intitulada “Enquadramento Legislativo da Exploração de Massas Minerais (Pedreiras)”. Concluí também com sucesso dois estágios de Pós-Doutoramento em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial no Departamento de Eletromecânica da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade da Beira Interior (2016), com o tema “Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Technologies and Derived Fuels Development”, e no Departamento de Economia, Gestão, Engenharia Industrial e Turismo da Universidade de Aveiro (2018), com o tema “Tecnologias de Conversão Termoquímica de Biomassa: Cadeias de Abastecimento Associadas e Viabilidade Técnica e Económica do Scale-up industrial”. Frequentei também cursos de formação e de pós-graduação em entidades de mérito reconhecido, e dos quais se podem destacar os cursos de Avaliação e Análise de Investimento Imobiliário (Instituto Politécnico do Porto), Gestão para Responsáveis de Pedreiras de Produção de Agregados, Desmonte de Maciços (Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Instituto Politécnico do Porto), Sustainable Business Strategy (Harvard Business School), entre outros. Tenho um percurso profissional de cerca de 25 anos na indústria, principalmente nas áreas do ambiente, da indústria extrativa e das energias renováveis, de onde destaco os cargos de Diretor de Produção da empresa Cavaco Britas SA, Diretor de Produção da empresa Euroinertes SA, Diretor Técnico da empresa Tecnomina SA, Diretor de Operações do grupo empresarial ARS – Abel Ribeiro da Silva SGPS SA, Diretor Geral da empresa Thermowall II SA, Diretor de Produção da YGE – Yser Green Energy SA, de Consultor da AMBISALUS – Consultoria Ambiental Lda e de Administrador e Project Manager da AFS – Advanced Fuel Solutions SA. Ao longo do meu percurso profissional também atuei como empreendedor, estando na génese de diversas empresas, nomeadamente a Arsal Energia – Eficiência Energética e Eco-gestão Lda, a Geoprom – Oil & Gas Resources Lda, a GIANT – General Institute for Applied Nature-Adapted Technologies AG (Suiça), THW Green Materials Ltd (Hong Kong) e a Steampower – Soluções Energéticas Lda. No ensino, colaborei com diversas instituições públicas e privadas, nomeadamente no ISEIT – Instituto Superior de Estudos Interculturais e Transdisciplinares (Instituto Piaget), ISMAI – Instituto Universitário da Maia (agora Universidade da Maia), Universidade de Aveiro e Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo. Sou autor ou coautor de dezenas de publicações, principalmente nas áreas científicas associadas à energia da biomassa e suas potencialidades, ambiente, gestão de recursos naturais, gestão da cadeia de abastecimento, sustentabilidade, economia circular, caracterização de materiais, desenvolvimento do espaço rural, alterações climáticas, engenharia industrial e tecnologias de conversão termoquímica de biomassa. Colaborei e colaboro também como orientador ou coorientador de várias Dissertações/Teses de Mestrado e Doutoramento na Universidade da Beira Interior, na Universidade de Aveiro, Universidade do Porto e Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, para além de também colaborar em diversos projetos de investigação nas instituições nacionais anteriormente referidas, mas também internacionais, nomeadamente a Penn State University (EUA) e a Universidade Ton Duc Thang (Vietnam).
Name |
Citizen Science for Action: A Platform to Empower Public Participation in Radon Detection and MitigationJ.P. Silva, P. Meneses, N. Lopes, P. Barros, R. Azevedo, L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, and S.I. Lopes Book of Extended Abstracts of ICEER2024 – The 11th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, “Renewable Energy Towards Decarbonization”, 24-26 July 2024, Coimbra (ISBN 978-989-3535), (2024), ind_type:11 |
Baldios e comunidades locais do Minho – uma perspetiva sobre as trajetórias diversificadas de mudança à luz dos desafios do desenvolvimento sustentávelNogueira, J.; Alonso, J.M.; Araújo, J. P.; Simões, S.; Nunes, L.; Leitão, B. XIV Congresso Ibero-americano de Estudos Rurais, (2024), ind_type:9 |
Fire Risk Reduction and Recover Energy Potential: A Disruptive Theoretical Optimization Model to the Residual Biomass Supply ChainT. Bastos, L. Teixeira, L.J.R. Nunes Fire, Volume 7, 8, (2024), ind_type:2 |
Mathematical Modeling Approach to the Optimization of Biomass Storage Park ManagementLeonel J. R. Nunes Systems, Volume 12, 1, (2024), 17 ind_type:2 |
Application of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Models for the Sustainable Management of Vine Pruning Residual Biomass: An Integrated Theoretical ApproachLeonel J. R. Nunes Logistics, Volume 8, 4, (2024), 131 ind_type:2 |
Characterization of Portuguese woody biomass: alignment with the ENPlus® standard for the certification of wood pelletsL.J.R. Nunes, M. Casau, J.C.O. Matias, M. Ferreira Dias Biofuels, Volume 15, 3, (2024), 259-270 ind_type:2 |
Indoor Radon and Energy Efficiency: A “Short Blanket” Problem that Demands for Balanced VentilationA. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 3094, 1, (2024), ind_type:2 |
Indoor Radon and Energy Efficiency: A “Short Blanket” Problem that Demands for Balanced VentilationLeonel J. R. Nunes and António Curado Special Issue Reprint “Advanced Technologies for Successful and Sustainable Construction and Maintenance Projects”, (2024), 20-32 ind_type:8 |
Indoor radon mitigation strategies: The Alto Minho region (Northern Portugal) practical caseL.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes Indoor and Built Environment, Volume 33, 2, (2024), 269-286 ind_type:2 |
Dynamics of Soil Carbon Average Content at Different Depths: Insights from a Global Approach to Climate Change MitigationC.I.D. Rodrigues, L.M. Brito, L.J.R. Nunes Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, (2024), ind_type:2 |
Integrating Renewable Energy Produced by a Library Building on a University Campus in a Scenario of Collective Self-ConsumptionI. Araújo, L.J.R. Nunes, D.P. Vilas, A. Curado Energies, Volume 17, 14, (2024), ind_type:2 |
Integrating Renewable Energy Produced by a Library Building on a University Campus in a Scenario of Collective Self-ConsumptionLeonel J. R. Nunes and António Curado Special Issue Reprint “Advanced Technologies for Successful and Sustainable Construction and Maintenance Projects, (2024), 20-47 ind_type:8 |
Exploring the present and future of biomass recovery units: technological innovation, policy incentives and economic challengesL.J.R. Nunes Biofuels, Volume 15, 4, (2024), 375-387 ind_type:2 |
Acacia sp. bark: From waste to a nature-based solution for water treatmentR. Ferreira, R.D. Coura, L. Nunes, A.I. Ferraz, A.C. Rodrigues WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV - Selected papers from the 6th International Conference Wastes, 2023, (2024), 398-402 ind_type:2 |
Soil Vertical Distribution of Organic Carbon and Sequestration Potential in Ponte de Lima (Alto Minho Region, Northern Portugal)C.I.D. Rodrigues, L.M. Brito, L.J.R. Nunes Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, Volume 55, 20, (2024), 3025-3035 ind_type:2 |
Non-energetic application of carbon-rich torrefied biomass in the bioeconomy: a reviewJ. Tripathi, T. Causer, D.E. Ciolkosz, D.B. DeVallance, A. Białowiec, L.J.R. Nunes Biofuels, Volume 15, 4, (2024), 389-405 ind_type:2 |
Non-energetic application of carbon-rich torrefied biomass in the bioeconomy: a reviewTomé, Mário; Curado, António; João Abrantes; Leonel J. R. Nunes; Carvalho, Maria Arlete Carvalho; Eduarda Gomes 4 TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON ECOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, (2024), ind_type:9 |
Non-energetic application of carbon-rich torrefied biomass in the bioeconomy: a reviewCurado, António, Leonel J.R. Nunes Construindo - v. 15 n. 3 (2023): EDIÇÃO ESPECIAL CONGRESSO CIRMARE 2023. Editores convidados: Prof Dr João Carlos Gonçalves Lanzinha - UBI - Universidade da Beira Interior - Portugal e Prof Dr Eduardo, (2024), ind_type:5 |
An integrated PROMETHEE II-Roadmap model: Application to the recovery of residual agroforestry biomass in PortugalA.S.F. Alves, L.J.R. Nunes, J.C.O. Matias, P. Espadinha-Cruz, R. Godina Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 445, (2024), 141307 ind_type:2 |
The Use of Asbestos and Its Consequences: An Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Public Health RisksA. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes, A. Carvalho, J. Abrantes, E. Lima, M. Tomé Fibers, Volume 12, 12, (2024), 102 ind_type:2 |
Forest 4.0: Technologies and digitalization to create the residual biomass supply chain of the futureT. Bastos, L.C. Teixeira, L.J.R. Nunes Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 467, (2024), ind_type:2 |
Modern Animal Traction to Enhance the Supply Chain of Residual BiomassL.J.R. Nunes, J. Nogueira, J.B. Rodrigues, J.C. Azevedo, E. Oliveira, T. de Figueiredo, J. Picos AgriEngineering, Volume 5, 2, (2023), 1039-1050 ind_type:2 |
Modern Animal Traction to Enhance the Supply Chain of Residual BiomassA. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes, J.P. Silva, N. Lopes, R. Azevedo, S.I. Lopes The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research. ICEER 2022. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham., (2023), 505-514 ind_type:8 |
Environmental Analysis of the Valorization of Woody Biomass Residues: A Comparative Study with Vine Pruning Leftovers in PortugalCarla L. Simões, Ricardo Simoes, Ana Sofia Gonçalves, Leonel J. R. Nunes Sustainability, Volume 15, 20, (2023), 14950 ind_type:2 |
The Relationship between Radon and Geology: Sources, Transport and Indoor AccumulationL.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 13, 13, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Evolution of land cover in the special area of conservation of Monchique (Southern Portugal): Have the objectives of the Natura 2000 network been achieved (1995–2018)?M.A.M. Raposo, L.J.R. Nunes, C.J. Pinto-Gomes Land Degradation and Development, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Design and Implementation of a New Layout in a New Production Area of a Cork Stopper Factory Following Lean Manufacturing PrinciplesSofia Amorim, Leonel Nunes, Carina Pimentel, Radu Godina, João C. O. Matias Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, (2023), 475-483 ind_type:2 |
Optimization of the Residual Biomass Supply Chain: Process Characterization and Cost AnalysisL.J.R. Nunes, S. Silva Logistics, Volume 7, 3, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Optimization of the Residual Biomass Supply Chain: Process Characterization and Cost AnalysisPedro R. Resende; Maria L. P. Antunes; Leandro C. Morais; Leonel J. R. Nunes Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation Technology, Volume 12, 2, (2023), ind_type:5 |
Preliminary Approach for the Development of Sustainable University Campuses: A Case Study Based on the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas EmissionsI. Araújo, L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 15, 6, (2023), ind_type:2 |
High Indoor Rn Concentration Mitigation in a Heritage Building: Case Study Analysis of the Applied Constructive MeasuresL.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado Buildings, Volume 13, 1, (2023), 136 ind_type:2 |
High Indoor Rn Concentration Mitigation in a Heritage Building: Case Study Analysis of the Applied Constructive MeasuresNogueira, J.; Ferraz, A. I.; Simões, S.; Oliveira, A.T.; Nunes, L. CCS2023 – 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentáveis, Viana do Castelo, 26-27 outubro 2023., (2023), ind_type:9 |
High Indoor Rn Concentration Mitigation in a Heritage Building: Case Study Analysis of the Applied Constructive MeasuresA.F. Curralo, A. Curado, L. Nunes, S.I. Lopes Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Responsible Innovation for Global Co-Habitation, E and PDE 2023, (2023), 139-144 ind_type:2 |
Optimizing the agroforestry residual biomass supply chain: A disruptive tool for mitigating logistic costs and enhancing forest managementT. Bastos, L.C. Teixeira, J.C.O. Matias, L.J.R. Nunes Results in Engineering, Volume 20, (2023), ind_type:2 |
APRENDIZAGEM EM SERVIÇO PARA COMUNIDADES RURAIS MAIS RESILIENTES: CAMINHADAS PELA SUSTENTABILIDADENogueira, J.; Ferraz, A.I.; Simões, S.; Ferreira-Oliveira, A.T.; Nunes, L. CCS2023 – 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável, (2023), ind_type:11 |
Coal to Biomass Transition as the Path to Sustainable Energy Production: A Hypothetical Case Scenario with the Conversion of Pego Power Plant (Portugal)L.J.R. Nunes, M. Casau, J.C.O. Matias, M.F. Dias Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 13, 7, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Potential exportation of wood pellets and torrefied biomass pellets logistics cost analysis: A comparative case study from PortugalL.R. Nunes AIMS Energy, Volume 12, 1, (2023), 45-61 ind_type:2 |
Potential exportation of wood pellets and torrefied biomass pellets logistics cost analysis: A comparative case study from PortugalRicardo Ferreira, Renata D´Arc Coura, Ana Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Ana Cristina Rodrigues 6th International Conference WASTES – solutions, treatments and opportunities, (2023), ind_type:9 |
Agroforestry Biomass Recovery Supply Chain Management: A More Efficient Information Flow Model Based on a Web PlatformT. Bastos, L.C. Teixeira, J.C.O. Matias, L.J.R. Nunes Logistics, Volume 7, 3, (2023), ind_type:2 |
WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IVCandida Vilarinho, Fernando Castro, Margarida J Quina WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV, (2023), 5 ind_type:11 |
The Rising Threat of Atmospheric CO2: A Review on the Causes, Impacts, and Mitigation StrategiesL.J.R. Nunes Environments - MDPI, Volume 10, 4, (2023), ind_type:2 |
The Rising Threat of Atmospheric CO2: A Review on the Causes, Impacts, and Mitigation StrategiesOptimization 2023 Conference, (2023), ind_type:9 |
Long-term vs. short-term measurements in indoor Rn concentration monitoring: Establishing a procedure for assessing exposure potential (RnEP)L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado Results in Engineering, Volume 17, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Effects of Climate Change on Temperate Forests in the Northwest Iberian PeninsulaL.J.R. Nunes Climate, Volume 11, 8, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Photovoltaic Production Management under Constrained Regulatory Requirements: A Step towards a Local Energy Community CreationI. Araújo, L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado Energies, Volume 16, 22, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Photovoltaic Production Management under Constrained Regulatory Requirements: A Step towards a Local Energy Community CreationFerreira, Ricardo; D'arc Coura, Renata; Ferraz, Ana; Nunes, Leonel; Rodrigues, A. C. Águas e Resíduos, Volume IV, 12, (2023), 13-22 ind_type:5 |
Understanding Seasonal Indoor Radon Variability from Data Collected with a LoRa-Enabled IoT Edge DeviceL.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 13, 8, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Understanding Seasonal Indoor Radon Variability from Data Collected with a LoRa-Enabled IoT Edge DeviceAna Ferraz, António Curado, Joana Nogueira, João Abrantes, Leonel Nunes, Mafalda Laranjo e Mário Tomé (2023), ind_type:42 |
European citizens’ stance on limiting energy use for climate change mitigationF. Mata, L.J.R. Nunes PeerJ, Volume 11, (2023), ind_type:2 |
European citizens’ stance on limiting energy use for climate change mitigationAna I. Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Ana C. Rodrigues, Renata Coura, Luís M. Brito, Renato Silva and Joaquim M. Alonso S4Agro23 Sustainable Solutions for the Agronindustrial Sector, (2023), ind_type:9 |
European citizens’ stance on limiting energy use for climate change mitigationJ.P. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes, S.I. Lopes The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research. ICEER 2022. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham., (2023), 91-99 ind_type:8 |
Soil Carbon Sequestration in the Context of Climate Change Mitigation: A ReviewC.I.D. Rodrigues, L.M. Brito, L.J.R. Nunes Soil Systems, Volume 7, 3, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Soil Carbon Sequestration in the Context of Climate Change Mitigation: A ReviewAntónio Curado, Leonel J.R. Nunes CIRMARE 2023, VI International Congress on Recovery, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Buildings, (2023), ind_type:9 |
Novel High-Performance ETICS Coatings with Cool Pigments IncorporationA. Curado, R. Figueiras, H. Gonçalves, F. Sambento, L.J.R. Nunes Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 15, 12, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Indoor radon monitoring for occupational health reinforcement in Portugal: compliance, prevention, and technological advancementsL.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, (2023), ind_type:2 |
Agroforest woody residual biomass-to-energy supply chain analysis: Feasible and sustainable renewable resource exploitation for an alternative to fossil fuelsL.J.R. Nunes, M. Casau, M.F. Dias, J.C.O. Matias, L.C. Teixeira Results in Engineering, Volume 17, (2023), 101010 ind_type:2 |
Indoor Radon Remediation in Highly Constrained Built Environments: Balancing Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency through Collaborative SensingA. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, R. Azevedo, S. I. Lopes Book of Abstracts - ICEER 2022 – 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research -Greening Energy to Shape a Sustainable Future, edited by Nídia de Sá Caetano, Carlos Felgueiras. ISBN, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Indoor Radon Remediation in Highly Constrained Built Environments: Balancing Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency through Collaborative SensingR. Azevedo, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes and S. I. Lopes 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), (2022), ind_type:9 |
Reconstitution of the Climate in the Municipality of Guimarães (Northern Portugal): A Regional Approach Based on Historical Information and the Record of Measured DataLeonel J.R. Nunes Climate, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Thermochemical Conversion Processes as a Path for Sustainability of the Tire Industry: Carbon Black Recovery Potential in a Circular Economy ApproachLeonel J. R. Nunes, Laura Guimarães, Miguel Oliveira, Peter Kille, Nuno G. C. Ferreira Clean Technologies, Volume 4, 3, (2022), 653-668 ind_type:2 |
Biomass gasification as an industrial process with effective proof-of-concept: A comprehensive review on technologies, processes and future developmentsLeonel J.R. Nunes Results in Engineering, Volume 14, (2022), 100408 ind_type:2 |
Perception of Climate Change Effects over Time and the Contribution of Different Areas of Knowledge to Its Understanding and MitigationLeonel J. R. Nunes, Marta Ferreira Dias Climate, Volume 10, 1, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy ConsumptionIvo Araújo, Leonel J. R. Nunes, David Patíño Vilas, António Curado Energies, Volume 15, 22, (2022), 8412 ind_type:2 |
Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy ConsumptionAntónio Curado, Sérgio Ivan Lopes, Leonel Nunes Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050), (2022), ind_type:44 |
Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy ConsumptionR. Azevedo, J. Silva, N. Lopes, L. Nunes, A. Curado, S I. Lopes DATA 2022 – 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, (2022), ind_type:9 |
Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy ConsumptionAna Isabel Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Renata Coura, Luís Miguel Brito, Márcio Meira, Hugo Fernandes, Leonel Nunes Livro de resumos do IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), 166 ind_type:11 |
Creation of Value Chains for the Sustainability of Control and Eradication Actions on Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) SwingleL.J.R. Nunes Environments - MDPI, Volume 9, 5, (2022), 64 ind_type:2 |
Assessment of Woody Residual Biomass Generation Capacity in the Central Region of Portugal: Analysis of the Power Production PotentialLeonel J. R. Nunes, Margarida Casau, João C. O. Matias, Marta Ferreira Dias Land, Volume 11, 10, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Residual Biomass: A Comprehensive Review on the Importance, Uses and Potential in a Circular Bioeconomy ApproachMargarida Casau, Marta Ferreira Dias, João C. O. Matias, Leonel J. R. Nunes Resources, Volume 11, 4, (2022), 35 ind_type:2 |
Advances in Carbon Capture and Use (CCU) Technologies: A Comprehensive Review and CO2 Mitigation Potential AnalysisChristiano B. Peres, Pedro M. R. Resende, Leonel J. R. Nunes, Leandro C. de Morais Clean Technologies, Volume 4, 4, (2022), 1193-1207 ind_type:2 |
Advances in Carbon Capture and Use (CCU) Technologies: A Comprehensive Review and CO2 Mitigation Potential AnalysisFerraz, A.I, Rodrigues, A.C, Coura, R., Brito, L.M., Gonçalves, A.S, Campos, C., Freitas, T., Nunes, L. IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), ind_type:10 |
Designing a Multicriteria WebGIS-Based Pre-Diagnosis Tool for Indoor Radon Potential AssessmentLeonel J. R. Nunes, António Curado, Rolando Azevedo, Joaquim P. Silva, Nuno Lopes, Sérgio Ivan Lopes Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 12, 3, (2022), 1412 ind_type:2 |
Designing a Multicriteria WebGIS-Based Pre-Diagnosis Tool for Indoor Radon Potential AssessmentFerraz, A.I, Rodrigues, A.C, Coura, R., Brito, L.M., Gonçalves, A.S, Campos, C., Freitas, T., Nunes, L. Livro de resumos do IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), 189 ind_type:11 |
Residual Biomass Recovery in the Wine Sector: Creation of Value Chains for Vine PruningTiago Florindo, Ana I. Ferraz, Ana C. Rodrigues, Leonel J. R. Nunes Agriculture, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Analysis of the Temporal Evolution of Climate Variables Such as Air Temperature and Precipitation at a Local Level: Impacts on the Definition of Strategies for Adaptation to Climate ChangeLeonel J. R. Nunes Climate, Volume 10, 10, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Circular Economy: A Comprehensive Review of Eco-Friendly Wollastonite ApplicationsChristiano Bruneli Peres, Pedro R. Resende, Leonel J. R. Nunes, Leandro Cardoso de Morais Sustainability, Volume 14, 5, (2022), 3070 ind_type:2 |
Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Minho (Northern Portugal): Bioecology, Native Parasitoid Communities and Biological Control with Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae)Amaro Amorim, Raúl Rodrigues, Leonel J. R. Nunes, Mariano Freitas, Luísa Moura Agronomy, Volume 12, 9, (2022), 2184 ind_type:2 |
Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) in Minho (Northern Portugal): Bioecology, Native Parasitoid Communities and Biological Control with Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae)Ana Isabel Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Renata Coura, Luís Miguel Brito, Márcio Meira, Hugo Fernandes, Leonel Nunes IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, CNESA22, (2022), ind_type:9 |
Confined Spaces in Buildings with High Indoor Radon Concentration: A Case Study Analysis with the Application of Constructive Remediation MeasuresLeonel J. R. Nunes, António Curado Buildings, Volume 13, 1, (2022), 49 ind_type:2 |
Reducing Rural Fire Risk through the Development of a Sustainable Supply Chain Model for Residual Agroforestry Biomass Supported in a Web Platform: A Case Study in Portugal Central Region with the Project BioAgroFloResMargarida Casau, Marta Dias, Leonor Teixeira, João Matias, Leonel Nunes Fire, Volume 5, 3, (2022), 61 ind_type:2 |
Impacts of Indoor Radon on Health: A Comprehensive Review on Causes, Assessment and Remediation StrategiesL.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, L.C.C. da Graça, S. Soares, S.I. Lopes International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 19, 7, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Thermochemical Conversion of Sugarcane Bagasse: A Comprehensive Analysis of Ignition and Burnout TemperaturesLeandro C. de Morais, Amanda A. Maia, Pedro R. Resende, André H. Rosa, Leonel J. R. Nunes Clean Technologies, Volume 4, 4, (2022), 1127-1137 ind_type:2 |
Thermochemical Conversion of Sugarcane Bagasse: A Comprehensive Analysis of Ignition and Burnout TemperaturesAna Isabel Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Joaquim Alonso, Renata D’Arc Coura, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Márcio Meira, Hugo Fernandes, Sofia Gonçalves, Telma Freitas, Cláudia Campos, Inês Esteves, Telma Araújo, T 7ª Semana TerraECO, 10as Jornadas em Ciências Biotecnológicas, (2022), ind_type:9 |
Thermochemical Conversion of Sugarcane Bagasse: A Comprehensive Analysis of Ignition and Burnout TemperaturesR. Azevedo, J. Silva, N. Lopes, L. Nunes, A. Curado, S I. Lopes Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications - DATA 2022, ISBN 978-989-758-583-8, Volume 1, (2022), 361-369 ind_type:11 |
A pre-diagnosis model for radon potential evaluation in buildings: A tool for balancing ventilation, indoor air quality and energy efficiencyJ. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes, S.I. Lopes Energy Reports, Volume 8, (2022), 539-546 ind_type:2 |
Allometric, Growth, and Biomass Estimation Models for Acacia dealbata Link.: A Case Study in Serra da Estrela Natural Park (Portugal)Leonel J. R. Nunes, Catarina I. R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Nuno M. C. Almeida Ribeiro Environments - MDPI, Volume 9, 8, (2022), ind_type:2 |
The impact of climate change on forest development: A sustainable approach to management models applied to mediterranean-type climate regionsL.J.R. Nunes, C.I.R. Meireles, C.J.P. Gomes, N.M.C.A. Ribeiro Plants, Volume 11, 1, (2022), ind_type:2 |
The impact of climate change on forest development: A sustainable approach to management models applied to mediterranean-type climate regionsA. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, R. Azevedo, S. I. Lopes Book of Abstracts of ICEER 2022 – 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research -Greening Energy to Shape a Sustainable Future (ISBN 978-989-53496-6-1), Volume 1, 1, (2022), 226 ind_type:5 |
Designing an IoT-enabled Data Warehouse for Indoor Radon Time Series AnalyticsR. Azevedo, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes and S. I. Lopes Proceedings of 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), (2022), 1-6 ind_type:2 |
Designing an IoT-enabled Data Warehouse for Indoor Radon Time Series AnalyticsA. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, R. Azevedo, S. I. Lopes ICEER 2022 – 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research - Greening Energy to Shape a Sustainable Future, (2022), ind_type:9 |
The Influence of Age on the Wood Properties of Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud.Bruno Esteves, Luísa Cruz-Lopes, Hélder Viana, José Ferreira, Idalina Domingos, Leonel J. R. Nunes Forests, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery from brewery spent grains and spent coffee grounds: a circular economy approach to waste valorizationIbijoke A. Idowu, Khalid Hashim, Andy Shaw, Leonel J. R. Nunes Biofuels, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Acacia dealbata Link. Aboveground Biomass Assessment: Sustainability of Control and Eradication Actions to Reduce Rural Fires RiskLeonel J. R. Nunes, Catarina I. R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Nuno M. C. Almeida Ribeiro Fire, Volume 5, 1, (2022), 7 ind_type:2 |
Transaction Cost Theory: a Case Study in the Biomass-to-Energy SectorM.F. Dias, A.C. Silva, L.J.R. Nunes Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, Volume 8, 1, (2021), 57-69 ind_type:2 |
Transaction Cost Theory: a Case Study in the Biomass-to-Energy SectorJ. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, S. I. Lopes Book of Abstracts of ICEER 2021 – 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ISBN 978-989-54758-9-6), Volume 1, 1, (2021), 275 ind_type:5 |
Designing an Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator (IRREI): An Evaluation Tool for Risk Management and Communication in the IoT AgeSérgio Ivan Lopes, Leonel J. R. Nunes, António Curado International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 18, 15, (2021), 7907 ind_type:2 |
Residual forest biomass and energy assessment: a case study analysis in the region of Alto Minho (North Portugal) for the creation of BLCs and 2GBLCsDuarte N. M. Alves, José L. Míguez Tabarés, Elena Rivo-Lopez, A. Saavedra, Maria E. A. Fariña, Joaquim M. Alonso, Leonel J. R. Nunes International Journal of Sustainable Energy, (2021), 1-18 ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery of shrub species as a path to reduce the risk of occurrence of rural fires: A case study in serra da estrela natural park (portugal)L.J.R. Nunes, M.A.M. Raposo, C.I.R. Meireles, C.J.P. Gomes, N.M.C.A. Ribeiro Fire, Volume 4, 3, (2021), ind_type:2 |
Short rotation woody coppices for biomass production: An integrated analysis of the potential as an energy alternativeA.M. Rodrigues, M.M.G. Costa, L.J.R. Nunes Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports, Volume 8, 1, (2021), 70-89 ind_type:2 |
Designing a qualitative pre-diagnosis model for the evaluation of radon potential in indoor environmentsSilva, J.P., Lopes, N., Curado, A., Nunes, L.J.R., Lopes S.I. 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, ICEER 2021, (2021), ind_type:2 |
Evaluation of the potential of agricultural waste recovery: Energy densification as a factor for residual biomass logistics optimizationL.J.R. Nunes, J.C.O. Matias, L.M.E.F. Loureiro, L.C.R. Sá, H.F.C. Silva, A.M. Rodrigues, T.P. Causer, D.B. Devallance, D.E. Ciolkosz Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 11, 1, (2021), 1-23 ind_type:2 |
Characterization of cytisus striatus (Hill) rothm.: Waste biomass energy recovery as a measure to reduce the risk of rural firesL.J.R. Nunes Recycling, Volume 6, 2, (2021), 36 ind_type:2 |
Characterization of cytisus striatus (Hill) rothm.: Waste biomass energy recovery as a measure to reduce the risk of rural firesNUNES, L.J.R. Recycling, (2021), 222 ind_type:44 |
Evaluation of species invasiveness: A case study with acacia dealbata link. on the slopes of cabeça (seia-portugal)M.A.M. Raposo, C.J. Pinto Gomes, L.J.R. Nunes Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 13, 20, (2021), 11233 ind_type:2 |
Enhancing the fuel properties of beverage wastes as non-edible feedstock for biofuel productionI.A. Idowu, K. Hashim, A. Shaw, L.J.R. Nunes Biofuels, (2021), ind_type:2 |
Production of biochar from vine pruning: Waste recovery in the wine industryL.J.R. Nunes, A.M. Rodrigues, J.C.O. Matias, A.I. Ferraz, A.C. Rodrigues Agriculture (Switzerland), Volume 11, 6, (2021), 489 ind_type:2 |
Production of biochar from vine pruning: Waste recovery in the wine industryRicardo Ferreira, Renata D’arc Coura, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Ana Cristina Rodrigues 19.º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ENaSB) | 12.ª Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos (JTIR), (2021), ind_type:9 |
Production of biochar from vine pruning: Waste recovery in the wine industryCurado A.; Sérgio I. Lopes, Leonel J. R. Nunes International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601), (2021), ind_type:44 |
A historical perspective of landscape and human population dynamics in guimarães (Northern Portugal): Possible implications of rural fire risk in a changing environmentL.J.R. Nunes, M.A.M. Raposo, C.J. Pinto Gomes Fire, Volume 4, 3, (2021), ind_type:2 |
Carbon sequestration potential of forest invasive species: A case study with acacia dealbata linkL.J.R. Nunes, M.A.M. Raposo, C.I.R. Meireles, C.J.P. Gomes, N.M.C.A. Ribeiro Resources, Volume 10, 5, (2021), 51 ind_type:2 |
Portuguese wood pellets market: Organization, production and consumption analysisL.J.R. Nunes, M. Casau, M.F. Dias Resources, Volume 10, 12, (2021), ind_type:2 |
Coal to biomass conversion as a path to sustainability: A hypothetical scenario at pego power plant (Abrantes, Portugal)M. Casau, D.C.M. Cancela, J.C.O. Matias, M.F. Dias, L.J.R. Nunes Resources, Volume 10, 8, (2021), 84 ind_type:2 |
The impact of rural fires on the development of invasive species: Analysis of a case study with acacia dealbata link. in casal do rei (seia, portugal)L.J.R. Nunes, M.A.M. Raposo, C.I.R. Meireles, C.J.P. Gomes, N.M.C.A. Ribeiro Environments - MDPI, Volume 8, 5, (2021), 44 ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery from invasive species: Creation of value chains to promote control and eradicationL.J.R. Nunes, A.M. Rodrigues, L.M.E.F. Loureiro, L.C.R. Sá, J.C.O. Matias Recycling, Volume 6, 1, (2021), 21 ind_type:2 |
Prunus lusitanica L.: An Endangered Plant Species Relict in the Central Region of Mainland PortugalMauro A. M. Raposo, Leonel J. R. Nunes, Ricardo Quinto-Canas, Sara del Río, Francisco M. Vázquez Pardo, Ana Galveias, Carlos J. Pinto-Gomes Diversity, Volume 13, 8, (2021), 359 ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationL.J.R. Nunes, L.M.E.F. Loureiro, L.C.R. Sá, J.C.O. Matias, A.I.O.F. Ferraz, A.C.P.B. Rodrigues Recycling, Volume 6, 2, (2021), ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationFerreira, R., Coura, R.D., Ferraz, A.I., Nunes, L., Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de atas 19.ª edição do Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ENASB) e as 12ª Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos (JTIR), (2021), ind_type:11 |
A case study about biomass torrefaction on an industrial scale: Solutions to problems related to self-heating, difficulties in pelletizing, and excessive wear of production equipmentLeonel J.R. Nunes Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 10, 7, (2020), 2546 ind_type:2 |
A case study about biomass torrefaction on an industrial scale: Solutions to problems related to self-heating, difficulties in pelletizing, and excessive wear of production equipmentNUNES, L.J.R.; RAPOSO, M.; PINTO GOMES, C. XIX Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, (2020), ind_type:10 |
A case study about biomass torrefaction on an industrial scale: Solutions to problems related to self-heating, difficulties in pelletizing, and excessive wear of production equipmentCOSTA, J.T., NUNES, L.J.R., CATALÃO, J.P.S. New Trends for the Biomass Energy Development: From Wood to Circular Economy, (2020), 113-126 ind_type:2 |
Potential of coal-water slurries as an alternative fuel source during the transition period for the decarbonization of energy production: A reviewLeonel J.R. Nunes Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 10, 7, (2020), 2470 ind_type:2 |
Potential of coal-water slurries as an alternative fuel source during the transition period for the decarbonization of energy production: A reviewNUNES, L.J.R., PIMENTEL, C., AZEVEDO, S.G., MATIAS, J.C.O. (2020), ind_type:47 |
Biomass torrefaction as a key driver for the sustainable development and decarbonization of energy productionLeonel J. R. Nunes, João C. O. Matias Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 12, 3, (2020), 1-9 ind_type:2 |
Biomass torrefaction as a key driver for the sustainable development and decarbonization of energy productionMatos, J.P., NUNES, L.J.R., CATALÃO, J.P.S. New Trends for the Biomass Energy Development: From Wood to Circular Economy, (2020), 181-188 ind_type:2 |
Intensive Agricultural Practices as Enhancers of the Dispersion of Invasive Species: Notification of the Observation of A Case with Robinia Pseudoacacia L. in Alentejo (Southern Portugal)Mauro Raposo, Carlos Pinto-Gomes, Leonel Nunes Research in Ecology, Volume 2, 3, (2020), ind_type:5 |
Waste Recovery through Thermochemical Conversion Technologies: A Case Study with Several Portuguese Agroforestry By-ProductsLeonel J. R. Nunes, Liliana M. E. F. Loureiro, Letícia C. R. Sá, Hugo F. C. Silva Clean Technologies, Volume 2, 3, (2020), 377--391 ind_type:2 |
Development of a Low-Cost Experimental Procedure for the Production of Laboratory Samples of Torrefied BiomassLeonel J. R. Nunes, Jorge M. C. Ribeiro, Letícia C. R. Sá, Liliana M. E. F. Loureiro, Radu Godina, João C. O. Matias Clean Technologies, Volume 2, 4, (2020), 406-421 ind_type:2 |
Forest contribution to climate change mitigation: Management oriented to carbon capture and storageLeonel J.R. Nunes, Catarina I.R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Nuno M.C. Almeida Ribeiro Climate, Volume 8, 2, (2020), 21 ind_type:2 |
Selective shrub management to preserve mediterranean forests and reduce the risk of fire: The case of mainland portugalMauro A.M. Raposo, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Leonel J.R. Nunes Fire, Volume 3, 4, (2020), 1-10 ind_type:2 |
Biomass for energy: A review on supply chain management modelsL.J.R. Nunes, T.P. Causer, D. Ciolkosz Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 120, (2020), ind_type:2 |
Biomass for energy: A review on supply chain management modelsREIS DE SÁ, L.C., NUNES, L.J.R., MENDES, A.M.M. New Trends for the Biomass Energy Development: From Wood to Circular Economy, (2020), 215-246 ind_type:2 |
Fire as a selection agent for the dissemination of invasive species: Case study on the evolution of forest coverageLeonel J. R. Nunes, Mauro A. M. Raposo, Catarina I. R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Nuno M. C. Almeida Ribeiro Environments - MDPI, Volume 7, 8, (2020), 1-14 ind_type:2 |
Sugarcane industry waste recovery: A case study using thermochemical conversion technologies to increase sustainabilityLeonel J. R. Nunes, Liliana M. E. F. Loureiro, Letícia C. R. Sá, Hugo F. C. Silva Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 10, 18, (2020), ind_type:2 |
Sugarcane industry waste recovery: A case study using thermochemical conversion technologies to increase sustainabilityLeonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes New Trends for Biomass Energy Development: From Wood to Circular Economy, (2020), 189-214 ind_type:2 |
A logistics management system for a biomass-to-energy production plant storage parkLeonel J.R. Nunes, Jorge T. Pereira da Costa, Radu Godina, João C.O. Matias, João P.S. Catalão Energies, Volume 13, 20, (2020), ind_type:2 |
A logistics management system for a biomass-to-energy production plant storage parkSANTIAGO, A.C., NUNES, L.J.R., DIAS, M.F. New Trends for the Biomass Energy Development: From Wood to Circular Economy, (2020), 189-214 ind_type:8 |
Torrefied Biomass as an Alternative in Coal-Fueled Power Plants: A Case Study on Grindability of Agroforestry Waste FormsLeonel J. R. Nunes Clean Technologies, Volume 2, 3, (2020), 270--289 ind_type:2 |
Evaluation of ash composition and deposition tendencies of biomasses and torrefied products from woody and shrubby feedstocks: SRC poplar clones and common broomA. Rodrigues, L.J.R. Nunes Fuel, Volume 269, (2020), ind_type:2 |
Control of invasive forest species through the creation of a value chain: Acacia dealbata biomass recoveryLeonel J.R. Nunes, Mauro A.M. Raposo, Catarina I.R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Nuno M.C. Almeida Ribeiro Environments - MDPI, Volume 7, 5, (2020), 39 ind_type:2 |
Control of invasive forest species through the creation of a value chain: Acacia dealbata biomass recoveryLeonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes New Trends for Biomass Energy Development: From Wood to Circular Economy, (2020), 1-274 ind_type:2 |
The impact of tourism activity on coastal biodiversity: A case study at Praia da Cova Redonda (Algarve—Portugal)Leonel J. R. Nunes, Mauro A. M. Raposo, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes Environments - MDPI, Volume 7, 10, (2020), 1-20 ind_type:2 |
Thermochemical conversion of olive oil industry waste: Circular economy through energy recoveryLeonel J. R. Nunes, Liliana M. E. F. Loureiro, Letícia C. R. Sá, Hugo F.C. Silva Recycling, Volume 5, 2, (2020), 12 ind_type:2 |
Torrefaction as a pretreatment technology for chlorine elimination from biomass: A case study using eucalyptus globulus labillLetícia C. R. Sá, Liliana M. E. F. Loureiro, Leonel J. R. Nunes, Adélio M. M. Mendes Resources, Volume 9, 5, (2020), 54 ind_type:2 |
Torrefaction as a pretreatment technology for chlorine elimination from biomass: A case study using eucalyptus globulus labillRAPOSO, M.; NUNES, L.J.R.; PINTO GOMES, C. XIX Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, (2020), ind_type:9 |
Evaluation of the potential for energy recovery from olive oil industry waste: Thermochemical conversion technologies as fuel improvement methodsL.J.R. Nunes, L.M.E.F. Loureiro, L.C.R. Sá, H.F.C. Silva Fuel, Volume 279, (2020), ind_type:2 |
Evaluation of the potential for energy recovery from olive oil industry waste: Thermochemical conversion technologies as fuel improvement methodsMATIAS, J.C.O., GODINA, R., NUNES, L.J.R. (2019), ind_type:6 |
Socioeconomic aspects of the forests in Portugal: Recent evolution and perspectives of sustainability of the resourceLeonel Nunes, Catarina Isabel Rodrigues Meireles, Carlos José Pinto Gomes, Nuno Manuel Cabral de Almeida Ribeiro Forests, Volume 10, 5, (2019), ind_type:2 |
Socioeconomic aspects of the forests in Portugal: Recent evolution and perspectives of sustainability of the resourceNUNES, L.J.R., RAPOSO, M., MEIRELES, C.I.R., GOMES C.J.P., ALMEIDA RIBEIRO N.M.C. XIII International Seminar in Management and Biodiversity Conservation: Landscape, Vegetation and Climate Change, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion FacilitatorsL.J.R. Nunes, C.I.R. Meireles, Pinto Gomes C.J., Almeida Ribeiro N.M.C. Research in Ecology, Volume 2, 1, (2019), ind_type:5 |
Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion FacilitatorsNUNES, L.J.R., MEIRELES, C.I.R., GOMES C.J.P., ALMEIDA RIBEIRO N.M.C. 6th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion FacilitatorsNunes, Leonel, Raposo, Mauro, Meireles, Catarina, Pinto-Gomes, Carlos, Almeida Ribeiro, Nuno (2019), ind_type:5 |
Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion FacilitatorsNUNES, L.J.R., RAPOSO, M., MEIRELES, C.I.R., GOMES C.J.P., ALMEIDA RIBEIRO N.M.C. XI International Meeting of Phytosociology Natural and semi-natural habitats of the Natura 2000 network: Improving knowledge to support conservation measures, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Propagation Model of Invasive Species: Road Systems as Dispersion FacilitatorsNunes, Leonel, Raposo, Mauro, Meireles, Catarina, Pinto-Gomes, Carlos, Almeida, Nuno (2019), ind_type:5 |
Evaluation of the utilization of woodchips as fuel for industrial boilersLeonel J.R. Nunes, Radu Godina, João C.O. Matias, João P.S. Catalão Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 223, (2019), 270-277 ind_type:2 |
Evaluation of the utilization of woodchips as fuel for industrial boilersRODRIGUES, A., BRITO, P., CALADO, L., PANÍZIO, R., NUNES, L.J.R. Bioenergy International Conference, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Forest management and climate change mitigation: A review on carbon cycle flow models for the sustainability of resourcesLeonel J.R. Nunes, Catarina I.R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Nuno M.C. Almeida Ribeiro Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 11, 19, (2019), 5276 ind_type:2 |
Forest management and climate change mitigation: A review on carbon cycle flow models for the sustainability of resourcesNUNES, L.J.R., MEIRELES, C.I.R., GOMES C.J.P., ALMEIDA RIBEIRO, N.M.C. ICEE 2019 – 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment: bringing together Engineering and Economics, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Forest management and climate change mitigation: A review on carbon cycle flow models for the sustainability of resourcesNunes, L.J.R., Nogueira, J., Ferraz, A., Rodrigues, A.C., Tomé, M., Silva, S., Paredes, C., Alonso, J.M. Paisagens Culturais, Heranças e Desafios no Território. Livro de Resumos VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais; VIII Encontro Rural RePort, (2019), ind_type:11 |
Technological Innovation in Biomass Energy for the Sustainable Growth of Textile IndustryLeonel Nunes, Radu Godina, João Matias Sustainability, (2019), ind_type:2 |
Technological Innovation in Biomass Energy for the Sustainable Growth of Textile IndustryNUNES, L.J.R., NOGUEIRA, J., FERRAZ, A., RODRIGUES, A.C., TOMÉ, M., SILVA, S., PAREDES, C., ALONSO, J.M., REGO, R., ALVES, D., RESENDE, P. VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Historical development of the Portuguese forest: The introduction of invasive speciesLeonel J. R. Nunes, Catarina I. R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Nuno M. C. Almeida Ribeiro Forests, Volume 10, 11, (2019), ind_type:2 |
Historical development of the Portuguese forest: The introduction of invasive speciesNUNES, L.J.R., GODINA, R., MATIAS, J.C.O. ICEE 2019 – 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment: bringing together Engineering and Economics, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Historical development of the Portuguese forest: The introduction of invasive speciesNunes, L.J.R., Nogueira, J., Ferraz, A., Rodrigues, A.C., Tomé, M., Silva, S., Paredes, C., Alonso, J.M. Paisagens Culturais, Heranças e Desafios no Território. Livro de Resumos VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais; VIII Encontro Rural RePort, (2019), ind_type:11 |
The evolution of climate changes in Portugal: Determination of trend series and its impact on forest developmentLeonel J. R. Nunes, Catarina I. R. Meireles, Carlos J. Pinto Gomes, Nuno M. C. Almeida Ribeiro Climate, Volume 7, 6, (2019), 78 ind_type:2 |
The evolution of climate changes in Portugal: Determination of trend series and its impact on forest developmentNUNES, L.J.R., MEIRELES, C.I.R., GOMES C.J.P., ALMEIDA RIBEIRO N.M.C. EUBCE 2019 – 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Impacts of Climate Change in Portugal: Common Perception of Causes and Consequences in Forest DevelopmentL.J.R. Nunes, C.I.R. Meireles, C.J. Pinto Gomes, N.M.C. Almeida Ribeiro Research in Ecology, Volume 1, 2, (2019), ind_type:5 |
Impacts of Climate Change in Portugal: Common Perception of Causes and Consequences in Forest DevelopmentAlmeida, Michel Santos (2018), ind_type:5 |
Impacts of Climate Change in Portugal: Common Perception of Causes and Consequences in Forest DevelopmentNUNES, L.J.R., MEIRELES, C.I.R., RIBEIRO N.M.C.A., GOMES C.J.P. 17º Congresso Nacional de Ecologia, (2018), ind_type:10 |
Impacts of Climate Change in Portugal: Common Perception of Causes and Consequences in Forest DevelopmentRODRIGUES, A., NUNES, L.J.R., GODINA, R., MATIAS, J.C.O. 18th International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC 2018), (2018), ind_type:9 |
Economic and environmental benefits of using textile waste for the production of thermal energyLeonel J.R. Nunes, Radu Godina, João C.O. Matias, João P.S. Catalão Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 171, (2018), 1353-1360 ind_type:2 |
Economic and environmental benefits of using textile waste for the production of thermal energyNUNES, L.J.R., RAPOSO, M., MEIRELES, C.I.R., RIBEIRO N.M.C.A., GOMES C.J.P. 17º Congresso Nacional de Ecologia, (2018), ind_type:9 |
Evaluation of the physical, chemical and thermal properties of Portuguese maritime pine biomassHelder Filipe dos Santos Viana, Abel Martins Rodrigues, Radu Godina, João Carlos de Oliveira Matias, Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 10, 8, (2018), 2877 ind_type:2 |
Evaluation of the physical, chemical and thermal properties of Portuguese maritime pine biomassVIANA, H., RODRIGUES, A., LOPES, D.M.M., GODINA, R., NUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O. 18th International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC 2018), (2018), ind_type:9 |
Evaluation of the physical, chemical and thermal properties of Portuguese maritime pine biomassNUNES, L.J.R., MEIRELES, C.I.R., GOMES C.J.P., ALMEIDA RIBEIRO N.M.C. III Encontro de Estudantes de Doutoramento em Ambiente e Agricultura, (2018), ind_type:10 |
Future Perspectives of Biomass Torrefaction: Review of the Current State-Of-The-Art and Research DevelopmentJorge Ribeiro, Radu Godina, João Matias, Leonel Nunes Sustainability, Volume 10, 7, (2018), 2323 ind_type:2 |
Future Perspectives of Biomass Torrefaction: Review of the Current State-Of-The-Art and Research DevelopmentRODRIGUES, A., NUNES, L.J.R. 8th Edition of International Conference on Chemical Sciences (CHEMICAL SCIENCES 2018), (2018), ind_type:9 |
Future Perspectives of Biomass Torrefaction: Review of the Current State-Of-The-Art and Research DevelopmentNUNES, L.J.R., GODINA, R., MATIAS, J.C.O. 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM 2018), (2018), ind_type:9 |
Future Perspectives of Biomass Torrefaction: Review of the Current State-Of-The-Art and Research DevelopmentREBELO, R., MARTINS J., NUNES, L.J.R. Terra.ECO – 4ª Semana das Ciências da Vida e da Terra/9as Jornadas em Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente, (2018), ind_type:10 |
Logistics cost analysis between wood pellets and torrefied Biomass Pellets: The case of PortugalRadu Godina, Leonel J. R. Nunes, Fernando M. B. C. Santos, Joao C. O. Matias 2018 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM), Volume 2018-January, (2018), 284-287 ind_type:2 |
Logistics cost analysis between wood pellets and torrefied Biomass Pellets: The case of PortugalNUNES, L.J.R. Biochar and Torrefied Biomass Short Course, (2018), ind_type:9 |
Logistics cost analysis between wood pellets and torrefied Biomass Pellets: The case of PortugalNUNES, L.J.R., GODINA, R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE ENERGIES AND POWER QUALITY (ICREPQ'18), (2018), ind_type:9 |
Correlation between Chemical Alterations and Energetic Properties in Torrefied BiomassA. Rodrigues, L.J.R. Nunes, R. Godina, J.C.O. Matias Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018, (2018), ind_type:2 |
Torrefaction of portuguese woody biomasses and the evaluation of its propertiesL.J.R. Nunes, R. Godina, J.C.O. Matias, J.P.S. Catalão Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Volume 1, 16, (2018), 510-515 ind_type:2 |
Torrefaction of portuguese woody biomasses and the evaluation of its propertiesNUNES, L.J.R. Biochar and Torrefied Biomass Short Course, (2018), ind_type:9 |
Torrefaction of portuguese woody biomasses and the evaluation of its propertiesNUNES, L.J.R., GODINA, R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE ENERGIES AND POWER QUALITY (ICREPQ'18), (2018), ind_type:9 |
Pinus Pinaster and Eucalyptus Globulus Energetic Properties and Ash CharacterizationH. Viana, A. Rodrigues, D.M.M. Lopes, R. Godina, L.J.R. Nunes, J.C.O. Matias Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018, (2018), ind_type:2 |
Characterization of the effect of pyrolysis in torrefied wood chipsL.J.R. Nunes, R. Godina, J.C.O. Matias, J.P.S. Catalão Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Volume 1, 16, (2018), 516-521 ind_type:2 |
Dispersion and flow properties of charcoal oil slurries (ChOS) as potential renewable industrial liquid fuelsL.M.E.F. Loureiro, P.B.F. Gil, F.V. Vieira de Campos, L.J.R. Nunes, J.M.F. Ferreira Journal of the Energy Institute, Volume 91, 6, (2018), 978-983 ind_type:2 |
Application of Lean Thinking to the Processing of Raw Materials: Case Study of a Company in the Biomass Torrefaction SectorL. J. R. Nunes, undefined undefined, S. G. Azevedo International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume 10, 1, (2018), 89-94 ind_type:5 |
Application of Lean Thinking to the Processing of Raw Materials: Case Study of a Company in the Biomass Torrefaction SectorRibeiro, Jorge Miguel Carneiro (2018), ind_type:5 |
Application of Lean Thinking to the Processing of Raw Materials: Case Study of a Company in the Biomass Torrefaction SectorNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O. 8º International Conference on Business Sustainability, (2018), ind_type:9 |
Application of Lean Thinking to the Processing of Raw Materials: Case Study of a Company in the Biomass Torrefaction SectorMARTINS, J.D.S., NUNES, L.J.R. (2018), ind_type:7 |
Application of Lean Thinking to the Processing of Raw Materials: Case Study of a Company in the Biomass Torrefaction SectorNUNES, L.J.R., GODINA, R., MATIAS, J.C.O. 18th International Conference on Environmental and Electrical Engineering (EEEIC 2018), (2018), ind_type:9 |
Characterization and Possible Use to Fly Ashes from Anthracite Combustion in a Thermal Power PlantL.J.R. Nunes, R. Godina, J.C.O. Matias Proceedings - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2018, (2018), ind_type:2 |
Torrefaction of woody biomasses from poplar SRC and Portuguese roundwood: Properties of torrefied productsA. Rodrigues, L. Loureiro, L.J.R. Nunes Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 108, (2018), 55-65 ind_type:2 |
Torrefaction of woody biomasses from poplar SRC and Portuguese roundwood: Properties of torrefied productsS. Garrido Azevedo, L. Jorge Ribeiro Nunes Strategic Performance Management: New Concepts and Contemporary Trends, (2017), 271-298 ind_type:2 |
Torrefaction of woody biomasses from poplar SRC and Portuguese roundwood: Properties of torrefied productsVAREJÃO, J., NUNES, L.J.R., AZEVEDO, S.G. (2017), ind_type:7 |
Torrefaction of woody biomasses from poplar SRC and Portuguese roundwood: Properties of torrefied productsNUNES, L.J.R., GODINA, R., MATIAS, J.C.O. 7th International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management – CIIEM 2017, (2017), ind_type:9 |
Torrefaction of woody biomasses from poplar SRC and Portuguese roundwood: Properties of torrefied productsPires, Filipe Manuel Vieira (2017), ind_type:5 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewL.J.R. Nunes, J.C.O. Matias, J.P.S. Catalão Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 71, (2017), 373-378 ind_type:2 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewSILVA, C., NUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O. (2017), ind_type:7 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewNUNES, L.J.R., GODINA, R., MATIAS, J.C.O. 7th International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management – CIIEM 2017, (2017), ind_type:9 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewRibeiro Nunes, L.J., De Oliveira Matias, J.C., Da Silva Catalao, J.P. Torrefaction of Biomass for Energy Applications: From Fundamentals to Industrial Scale, (2017), 1-245 ind_type:2 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewSilva, Carla Domingues Pereira da (2017), ind_type:5 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewPIRES, F., NUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O. (2017), ind_type:7 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewNUNES, L.J.R. 8º Congresso Florestal Nacional - Floresta em Português: Raízes do Futuro, (2017), ind_type:10 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewL.M.E.F. LOUREIRO, F.V. VIEIRA DE CAMPOS, NUNES, L.J.R. Silva Lusitana, Volume 25, 1, (2017), 1-19 ind_type:5 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewHenriques, Ana Helena Rodrigues (2017), ind_type:5 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewSANTOS, B.P., NUNES, L.J.R., AZEVEDO, S.G., MATIAS, J.C.O. 7th International Conference on Business Sustainability - Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments, (2017), ind_type:9 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. (2017), ind_type:6 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewLOUREIRO, L.M.E.F., NUNES, L.J.R., RODRIGUES, A.M. Silva Lusitana, Volume 25, 2, (2017), 35-63 ind_type:5 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewNUNES, L.J.R., BRITO, L.M. (2017), ind_type:7 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewNUNES, L.J.R. Corporate Sustainability: the new pilar of the Circular Economy, (2017), 15-54 ind_type:8 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewFARIA, C.I.S., NUNES, L.J.R., AZEVEDO, S.G. (2017), ind_type:7 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewIas Jornadas Técnico-Científicas do IPVC, Auditório Francisco Sampaio - ESTG ALONSO, J.M., RODRIGUES, A.C., FERRAZ, A.I., GUEDES, A.P., CALDAS, B., PAREDES, C., NUNES, L.J.R., BRITO, L.M., DIAS, M.G., VALIN, M.I., (2017), ind_type:9 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewREIS, L., NUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O. (2017), ind_type:7 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewNUNES, L.J.R., AZEVEDO, S.G. 2nd International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Engineering — ICSREE 2017, (2017), ind_type:9 |
Biomass in the generation of electricity in Portugal: A reviewAZEVEDO, S.G., NUNES, L.J.R. Strategic Performance Management: New Concepts and Contemporary Trends, (2017), 271-298 ind_type:8 |
Wood pellets as a sustainable energy alternative in PortugalNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalão, J.P.S. Renewable Energy, Volume 85, (2016), 1011-1016 ind_type:2 |
Wood pellets as a sustainable energy alternative in PortugalNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. 13th European Energy Market Conference — EEM 2016, (2016), ind_type:9 |
Biomass combustion systems: A review on the physical and chemical properties of the ashesNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalão, J.P.S. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 53, (2016), 235-242 ind_type:2 |
Biomass combustion systems: A review on the physical and chemical properties of the ashesCIOLKOSZ, D., BANSAL, S., CAUSER, T., MARSHALL, M., NUNES, L.J.R., BURCHELL, J., LESSO, D., MCDONOUGH, T., SIMSEK, E., SONI, S. NEWBio Annual Meeting, (2016), ind_type:9 |
Development and rheological characterisation of an industrial liquid fuel consisting of charcoal dispersed in waterLoureiro, L.M.E.F., Gil, P.B.F., Vieira de Campos, F.V., Nunes, L.J.R., Ferreira, J.M.F. Journal of the Energy Institute, (2016), ind_type:2 |
Development and rheological characterisation of an industrial liquid fuel consisting of charcoal dispersed in waterNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference — UPEC 2016, (2016), ind_type:9 |
Torrefied Biomass Pellets: An alternative fuel for coal power plantsNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalao, J.P.S. International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM, Volume 2016-July, (2016), ind_type:2 |
Torrefied Biomass Pellets: An alternative fuel for coal power plantsFARIA, C., NUNES, L.J.R., AZEVEDO, S.G. 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference — UPEC 2016, (2016), ind_type:9 |
Characterization of biomass woodchips as fuel for industrial boilersL. J. R. Nunes, J. C. O. Matias, J. P. S. Catalao 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), (2016), 1-4 ind_type:2 |
Portugal as a producer of biomass fuels for power production: An analysis of logistics costs associated to wood pellets exportationC. Faria, L. J. R. Nunes, S. G. Azevedo 51st International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), Volume 2017-January, (2016), 1-5 ind_type:2 |
Portugal as a producer of biomass fuels for power production: An analysis of logistics costs associated to wood pellets exportationNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. 3th International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities — WASTES15, (2015), ind_type:10 |
Portugal as a producer of biomass fuels for power production: An analysis of logistics costs associated to wood pellets exportationNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. (2015), ind_type:7 |
Portugal as a producer of biomass fuels for power production: An analysis of logistics costs associated to wood pellets exportationNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. International Congress on Energy and Environment Engineering and Management — CIIEM15, (2015), ind_type:9 |
Portugal as a producer of biomass fuels for power production: An analysis of logistics costs associated to wood pellets exportationNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O. 4º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial — ENEGI15, (2015), ind_type:9 |
Analysis of the use of biomass as an energy alternative forthePortuguese textile dyeing industryNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalão, J.P.S. Energy, Volume 84, (2015), 503-508 ind_type:2 |
Mixed biomass pellets for thermal energy production: A review of combustion modelsNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalão, J.P.S. Applied Energy, Volume 127, (2014), 135-140 ind_type:2 |
Economic and sustainability comparative study of wood pellets production in Portugal, Germany and SwedenL.J.R. Nunes, J.C.O. Matias, J.P.S. Catalão Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Volume 1, 12, (2014), 526-531 ind_type:2 |
A review on torrefied biomass pellets as a sustainable alternative to coal in power generationNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalão, J.P.S. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 40, (2014), 153-160 ind_type:2 |
Production and characterisation of cork pellets: An alternative for sustainable energy recoveryL.J.R. Nunes, J.C.O. Matias, J.P.S. Catalão Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, Volume 1, 12, (2014), 538-542 ind_type:2 |
Production and characterisation of cork pellets: An alternative for sustainable energy recoveryNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality — ICREPQ’14, (2014), ind_type:9 |
Production and characterisation of cork pellets: An alternative for sustainable energy recoveryNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality — ICREPQ’14, (2014), ind_type:9 |
Biomass waste co-firing with coal applied to the Sines Thermal Power Plant in PortugalNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalão, J.P.S. Fuel, Volume 132, (2014), 153-157 ind_type:2 |
Biomass waste co-firing with coal applied to the Sines Thermal Power Plant in PortugalNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. 2nd International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications — ICRERA 2013 , (2013), ind_type:9 |
Biomass waste co-firing with coal applied to the Sines Thermal Power Plant in PortugalNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. International Conference on Engineering UBI 2013 — ICEUBI 2013, (2013), ind_type:9 |
Economic evaluation and experimental setup of biomass energy as sustainable alternative for textile industryNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalao, J.P.S. Proceedings of the Universities Power Engineering Conference, (2013), ind_type:2 |
Application of biomass for the production of energy in the Portuguese textile industryNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalao, J.P.S. Proceedings of 2013 International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, ICRERA 2013, (2013), 336-341 ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNunes, L.J.R., Matias, J.C.O., Catalão, J.P.S. Fuel, Volume 113, (2013), 24-30 ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. 13th Spanish Portuguese Conference on Electrical Engineering — 13CHLIE, (2013), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R., MATIAS, J.C.O., CATALÃO, J.P.S. 48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference — UPEC 2013 , (2013), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsMARQUES, L., REBELO, D., SOARES, R., MORGADO, M., NUNES, L.J.R. International Conference on Geocience for Global Development, (2009), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsMARQUES, L., REBELO, D., NUNES, L.J.R., MARQUES, E. International Geological Congress (33º IGC), (2008), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsMARQUES, L., MORGADO, M., REBELO, D., NUNES, L.J.R. International Geological Congress (33º IGC), (2008), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsMARQUES, L., NUNES, L.J.R., REBELO, D., VASCONCELOS, C., MORGADO, M., PRAIA, J. International Geological Congress (33º IGC), (2008), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsVASCONCELOS, C., MARQUES, L., REBELO, D., NUNES, L.J.R., PRAIA, J. Geoscience Education: Understanding System Earth, GeoSciEdV - 5th International Meeting on Behalf of the International Geoscience Education Organisation (IGEO), (2006), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsREBELO, D., NUNES, L.J.R., MARQUES, E., PRAIA, J. F., LEITE, A., SILVA, A. M. F. Enseñanza de las ciencias de la tierra: Revista de la Asociación Española para la Enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, Volume 14, 1, (2006), 75-81 ind_type:5 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R., COSTA, P.M. VII Congresso Nacional de Geologia, (2006), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R., COSTA, P.M. VII Congresso Nacional de Geologia, (2006), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsREBELO, D., MARQUES, E., MARQUES L., NUNES, L.J.R., LEITE, A., FUTURO, A., PRAIA, J. Simpósio Ibérico do Ensino da Geologia, XIV Simpósio sobre Enseñanza de la Geologia e XXVI Curso de Actualização de Professores de Geociências, (2006), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R. Volume 8, 1, (2005), 121-126 ind_type:5 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsMARQUES, L., SOARES, A., PRAIA, J., VASCONCELOS, C., LEITE, A., FUTURO, A., NUNES, L.J.R., MARQUES, E., REBELO, D. & MOREIRA, J. 32nd International Geological Congress, (2004), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R. Cadernos Interdisciplinares – Instituto Piaget, 45, (2004), 35-42 ind_type:5 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsDAOUDI, L., DINIS, J., NUNES, L.J.R., VIDINHA, J.M., SAIDI, M.E, LHARTI, S. 23rd Meeting of International Association of Sedimentologists, (2004), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R. Cadernos Interdisciplinares – Instituto Piaget, 46, (2004), 18-22 ind_type:5 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R., COSTA, P.M. 2º Congresso Nacional de Geomorfologia, (2004), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsNUNES, L.J.R. Teoria e Prática da Educação - Revista do Departamento de Teoria e Prática da Educação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Volume 7, 2, (2004), 198-205 ind_type:5 |
Energy recovery from cork industrial waste: Production and characterisation of cork pelletsChaves, R., NUNES, L.J.R., Vasconcelos, C., Praia, J. & Marques, L. XIII Simpósio sobre Enseñanza de la Geologia, (2004), ind_type:9 |
A melhoria do processo ensino - aprendizagem das ciências partindo da reflexão dialógica das concepções e das práticas entre professor e orientadorLeonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, Volume 34, 2, (2004), 1-10 ind_type:5 |
A melhoria do processo ensino - aprendizagem das ciências partindo da reflexão dialógica das concepções e das práticas entre professor e orientadorNUNES, L.J.R. Cadernos Interdisciplinares – Instituto Piaget, 44, (2003), 8-14 ind_type:5 |
A melhoria do processo ensino - aprendizagem das ciências partindo da reflexão dialógica das concepções e das práticas entre professor e orientadorNUNES, L.J.R. Teoria e Prática da Educação - Revista do Departamento de Teoria e Prática da Educação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá , Volume 6, 12, (2003), 197-200 ind_type:5 |
A melhoria do processo ensino - aprendizagem das ciências partindo da reflexão dialógica das concepções e das práticas entre professor e orientadorNUNES, L.J.R. Cadernos Interdisciplinares – Instituto Piaget, 42, (2003), 12-14 ind_type:5 |
A melhoria do processo ensino - aprendizagem das ciências partindo da reflexão dialógica das concepções e das práticas entre professor e orientadorNUNES, L.J.R. Cadernos Interdisciplinares – Instituto Piaget, 35, (2002), 23-27 ind_type:5 |
A melhoria do processo ensino - aprendizagem das ciências partindo da reflexão dialógica das concepções e das práticas entre professor e orientadorNUNES, L.J.R. Cadernos Interdisciplinares – Instituto Piaget, 37, (2002), 6-8 ind_type:5 |
A melhoria do processo ensino - aprendizagem das ciências partindo da reflexão dialógica das concepções e das práticas entre professor e orientador5. NUNES, L.J.R. Boletim da Associação Portuguesa de Professores de Biologia e Geologia, 18, (2002), 4 ind_type:5 |
A reflexão na prática docente: alguns limites para a sua efectivação. O caso da informática na educaçãoLeonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, Volume 29, 1, (2002), 1-8 ind_type:5 |
A reflexão na prática docente: alguns limites para a sua efectivação. O caso da informática na educaçãoNUNES, L.J.R. Cadernos Interdisciplinares – Instituto Piaget, 38, (2002), 11-14 ind_type:5 |
A reflexão na prática docente: alguns limites para a sua efectivação. O caso da informática na educaçãoNUNES, L.J.R. Jornal “A Página da Educação”, 117, (2002), 40 ind_type:5 |
A reflexão na prática docente: alguns limites para a sua efectivação. O caso da informática na educaçãoNUNES, L.J.R. A Voz do Olhar, 39, (2002), 23-27 ind_type:5 |
A reflexão na prática docente: alguns limites para a sua efectivação. O caso da informática na educaçãoNUNES, L.J.R. Boletim da Associação Portuguesa de Geólogos, 21, (2001), 11 ind_type:5 |
Name |
101179013 | Joana Maria Martins Rosa Maia de Oliveira Almeida | From: 2027-10-01 To: 2029-12-31 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:22 |
ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE-STRAND-2 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2024-09-01 To: 2027-09-30 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:22 |
POCTEP - AOWINDE - 0073_AOWINDE_1_E | João Carlos de Castro Abrantes | From: 2023-07-01 To: 2026-06-30 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:22 |
0052_COMENERG_1_E (POCTEP) | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2023-07-01 To: 2026-06-30 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:22 |
2023-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000156817 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2023-11-01 To: 2025-10-31 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:22 |
PRR-C05-i03-I-000241 | Joana Lopes Teixeira Nogueira Santos | From: 2023-04-01 To: 2025-09-30 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:25 |
2022.09272.PTDC | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2023-03-01 To: 2024-08-31 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:25 |
PCIF/GVB/0083/2019 | Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes | From: 2021-03-01 To: 2024-02-28 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:25 |
NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000043 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2020-10-01 To: 2023-09-30 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:25 |
| António José Candeias Curado | From: 2022-02-15 To: 2023-02-14 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:23 |
proMetheus 3/2021 | Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes | From: 2022-01-01 To: 2022-12-31 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:23 |
Verão Com Ciência | Ana Isabel Oliveira Faria Ferraz | From: 2022-08-01 To: 2022-09-15 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:25 |
proMetheus 9/2021 | Joana Lopes Teixeira Nogueira Santos | From: 2022-02-01 To: 2022-07-31 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:23 |
Candidatura nº 1016 - Projeto SEIVA - Aviso n.º 6700/2021 | Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues | From: 2021-09-06 To: 2022-02-06 Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes ind_type:25 |

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Publications: 9
Projects: 3

Affordable and Clean Energy
Publications: 79
Projects: 3
External Services: 1

Climate Action
Publications: 18
Projects: 2
External Services: 1

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Publications: 18
Projects: 6
External Services: 2

Responsible Consuption and Production
Publications: 1
Projects: 1

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Publications: 1