Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues
- Type: Integrated
- Last academic degree: PhD
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4082-1762
- Scopus ID: 17036534300
- Researcher ID/Publons: H-3978-2018
- Ciência ID: DD1D-EB0D-258E
Name |
Circular Bioeconomy in the Wine Sector: applications and challenges for the exploitation of biochar produced from vine pruningAna I. Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Ana C. Rodrigues, Renata Coura, Luís M. Brito, Renato Silva and Joaquim M. Alonso S4Agro23 Sustainable Solutions for the Agronindustrial Sector, (2023), ind_type:9 |
PLANT MICROBIAL FUEL CELLS WITH MENTHA PIPERITA AND MENTHA PULEGIUM: ASSESSMENT OF THE POTENTIAL AS BIOELECTRICITY PRODUCERS TO FEED BIOSENSORS IN GREEN WALLSAna C. Rodrigues Patrícia Fonte Gabriela Dias Virgílio Peixoto Ana Ferraz Gilberto Martins Luciana Peixoto CEES 2023 - 2nd International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability, (2023), ind_type:9 |
CARATERIZAÇÃO DE BIORRESÍDUOS RESULTANTES DA PREPARAÇÃO DE REFEIÇÕES NA CANTINA DE UM CAMPUS UNIVERSITÁRIOInês Miranda, Ana E. Nóbrega, Ana C. Rodrigues e Ana I. Ferraz Livro de Atas da 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável - Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade (2023), (2023), 19-20 ind_type:11 |
CARATERIZAÇÃO DE BIORRESÍDUOS RESULTANTES DA PREPARAÇÃO DE REFEIÇÕES NA CANTINA DE UM CAMPUS UNIVERSITÁRIORicardo Ferreira, Renata D´Arc Coura, Ana Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Ana Cristina Rodrigues 6th International Conference WASTES – solutions, treatments and opportunities, (2023), ind_type:9 |
WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IVCandida Vilarinho, Fernando Castro, Margarida J Quina WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IV, (2023), 5 ind_type:11 |
WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IVFerreira, Ricardo; D'arc Coura, Renata; Ferraz, Ana; Nunes, Leonel; Rodrigues, A. C. Águas e Resíduos, Volume IV, 12, (2023), 13-22 ind_type:5 |
WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IVGabriela Dias, Patrícia Fonte, Cristina Calheiros, Ana Ferraz, António Curado, Ana Cristina Rodrigues CCS 2023 – 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023), ind_type:9 |
WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities IVRicardo Simões, Carla L. Simões, Ricardo Ferreira and Ana C. Rodrigues 11th International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education (STE 2023), (2023), ind_type:2 |
Agricultura Integrada em Edifício: O Projeto Seiva – Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para AlimentaçãoGabriela Dias, Patrícia Fonte, Cristina Calheiros, Ana Ferraz, António Curado, Ana Cristina Rodrigues Livro de Atas da 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável - Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023), 209-210 ind_type:11 |
Agricultura Integrada em Edifício: O Projeto Seiva – Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para AlimentaçãoInês Miranda, Ana E. Nóbrega, Ana C. Rodrigues, Ana I. Ferraz CCS2023 - 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável. Capacitação para a ação climática: do Campus à Comunidade, (2023), ind_type:9 |
Agricultura Integrada em Edifício: O Projeto Seiva – Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para AlimentaçãoJéssica Domingues, Cláudia Barros, Cláudia Ribeiro, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Maria Isabel Valin Sanjiao, Susana Mendes, Ana Paula Vale, Isabel Afonso IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, CNESA22, (2022), ind_type:10 |
Agricultura Integrada em Edifício: O Projeto Seiva – Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para AlimentaçãoAna Isabel Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Joaquim Alonso, Renata D’Arc Coura, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Márcio Meira, Hugo Fernandes, Sofia Gonçalves, Telma Freitas, Cláudia Campos, Inês Esteves, Telma Araújo, T 7ª Semana TerraECO, 10as Jornadas em Ciências Biotecnológicas, (2022), ind_type:9 |
Agricultura Integrada em Edifício: O Projeto Seiva – Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para AlimentaçãoRenata D'arc Coura, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Ferraz, João C.C. Abrantes, Joaquim Mamede Alonso, Miguel Brito Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial Patente de Invenção Nacional, 116114, (2022), ind_type:12 |
Agricultura Integrada em Edifício: O Projeto Seiva – Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para AlimentaçãoJéssica Domingues, Cláudia Barros, Cláudia Ribeiro, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Maria Isabel Valin Sanjiao, Susana Mendes, Ana Paula Vale, Isabel Afonso Livro de resumos do IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), 209 ind_type:11 |
Agricultura Integrada em Edifício: O Projeto Seiva – Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para AlimentaçãoJéssica Domingues, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Maria Isabel Valin Sanjiao, Susana Mendes Ana Paula Vale, Isabel Afonso XVI Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, (2022), ind_type:10 |
Residual Biomass Recovery in the Wine Sector: Creation of Value Chains for Vine PruningTiago Florindo, Ana I. Ferraz, Ana C. Rodrigues, Leonel J. R. Nunes Agriculture, (2022), ind_type:2 |
Residual Biomass Recovery in the Wine Sector: Creation of Value Chains for Vine PruningJoaquim Alonso, Pedro Castro, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Joana Nogueira, Sérgio Costa, Vanessa Ramos, Miguel Brito IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, CNESA22, (2022), ind_type:10 |
Residual Biomass Recovery in the Wine Sector: Creation of Value Chains for Vine PruningJéssica Domingues, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Maria Isabel Valin Sanjiao, Susana Mendes, Ana Paula Vale, Isabel Afonso Livro de Resumos XV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Bio-sustentabilidade e buo-segurança alimentar, inovação e qualidade alimentar, (2022), 292 ind_type:11 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationAna Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Ferraz, Gabriela Dias, Isabel Valin, Joana Nogueira, Miguel Brito, Aline Guerreiro & Cristina S. C. Calheiros Integrated Science, (2022), ind_type:8 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationJoaquim Alonso, Pedro Castro, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Joana Nogueira, Sérgio Costa, Vanessa Ramos, Miguel Brito Livro de resumos do IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), 202 ind_type:11 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationAna Isabel Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Renata Coura, Luís Miguel Brito, Márcio Meira, Hugo Fernandes, Leonel Nunes Livro de resumos do IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), 166 ind_type:11 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationFerraz, A.I, Rodrigues, A.C, Coura, R., Brito, L.M., Gonçalves, A.S, Campos, C., Freitas, T., Nunes, L. IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), ind_type:10 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationAna Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Ferraz, Patrícia Fonte, Gilberto Martins, Luciana Peixoto International conference Agriculture & Food, (2022), ind_type:10 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationFerraz, A.I, Rodrigues, A.C, Coura, R., Brito, L.M., Gonçalves, A.S, Campos, C., Freitas, T., Nunes, L. Livro de resumos do IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), 189 ind_type:11 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationJéssica Domingues, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Maria Isabel Valin Sanjiao, Susana Mendes, Ana Paula Vale, Isabel Afonso XVI Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, (2022), ind_type:9 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationAlves, I., Afonso, I., Rodrigues, A.C., Domingues, J., Ferraz, A. IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), ind_type:10 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationAna Cristina Rodrigues Congresso Internacional de Saúde e Meio Ambiente - CINASAMA 2022, (2022), ind_type:9 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationAlves, I., Afonso, I., Rodrigues, A.C., Domingues, J., Ferraz, A. Livro de resumos do IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2022), 136 ind_type:11 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationJéssica Domingues1, Ana Cristina Rodrigues1,2, Ana Isabel Ferraz 1,2, Maria Isabel Valin Sanjiao1,3, Susana Mendes1,3 Ana Paula Vale1,3, Isabel Afonso1,3,4 Livro de Resumos do XVI Encontro de Química dos Alimentos - Bio-Sustentabilidade e Bio-Segurança Alimentar, Inovação e Qualidade Alimentar, (2022), 292-293 ind_type:11 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationAna Isabel Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Renata Coura, Luís Miguel Brito, Márcio Meira, Hugo Fernandes, Leonel Nunes IV Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, CNESA22, (2022), ind_type:9 |
Nature-Based Solutions to Promote Environmental Education on Integral Ecological SanitationFerreira, R., Coura, R.D., Ferraz, A.I., Nunes, L., Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de atas 19.ª edição do Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ENASB) e as 12ª Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos (JTIR), (2021), ind_type:11 |
Production of biochar from vine pruning: Waste recovery in the wine industryL.J.R. Nunes, A.M. Rodrigues, J.C.O. Matias, A.I. Ferraz, A.C. Rodrigues Agriculture (Switzerland), Volume 11, 6, (2021), 489 ind_type:2 |
Production of biochar from vine pruning: Waste recovery in the wine industryRicardo Ferreira, Renata D’arc Coura, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Leonel Nunes, Ana Cristina Rodrigues 19.º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ENaSB) | 12.ª Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos (JTIR), (2021), ind_type:9 |
Production of biochar from vine pruning: Waste recovery in the wine industryFerraz A.I., Alonso, J.M., Pereira, F., Alves, P., Calheiros, C., Rodrigues A.C. 4th Smallwat21v, 17-18 junho, (2021), ind_type:10 |
Production of biochar from vine pruning: Waste recovery in the wine industryFerraz A.I., Afonso I., Rodrigues A.S., Alonso J., Mendes S., Vale A.P., Pereira J., Alves M., Senra E., Oliveira E., Oliveira C., Pais S., Figueiredo S., Rodrigues A.C. 10 Anos de Encontros Vínicos do vinho Verde. Atas, (2021), ind_type:11 |
SPATIALLY EXPLICIT MODEL FOR ANAEROBIC CO-DIGESTION FACILITIES LOCATION AND PRE-DIMENSIONING IN NORTHWEST PORTUGALOliveira, A. C.; Mocellin, V. C. Agrárias: Pesquisa e Inovação nas Ciências que Alimentam o Mundo VII, (2021), 49-62 ind_type:8 |
Combined pretreatment by ultrasound and struvite precipitation of raw substrates: A strategy to overcome cn ratio unbalance in nitrogen-rich anaerobic co-digestion systemsR.D. Coura, A.C. Rodrigues, J.M. Alonso, A.I. Ferraz, L.M. Brito, J.C.C. Abrantes, A.G. Brito Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 13, 4, (2021), 1-14 ind_type:2 |
Combined pretreatment by ultrasound and struvite precipitation of raw substrates: A strategy to overcome cn ratio unbalance in nitrogen-rich anaerobic co-digestion systemsFerraz, A.I.; Alonso J.M.; Pereira, F.; Alves, P.; Calheiros, C.; Rodrigues, A.C. . International Congress Smallwat21v – Abstract book, (2021), ind_type:11 |
Spatially explicit model for anaerobic co-digestion facilities location and pre-dimensioning considering spatial distribution of resource supply and biogas yield in northwest portugalRenata D’arc Coura, Joaquim Mamede Alonso, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Isabel Ferraz, Nuno Mouta, Renato Silva, A. G. Brito Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 11, 4, (2021), 1-18 ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationL.J.R. Nunes, L.M.E.F. Loureiro, L.C.R. Sá, J.C.O. Matias, A.I.O.F. Ferraz, A.C.P.B. Rodrigues Recycling, Volume 6, 2, (2021), ind_type:2 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues A. C, Calheiros C., Guerreiro A. (Eds.) Ebook:, (2020), 44 ind_type:47 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues A. C, Calheiros C., Guerreiro A. (2020), ind_type:7 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationDias, G.; Moura, R.; Rodrigues, A.C; Margalha, J.; Ferraz, A.; Paredes, C.; Gonçalves, S.; Cruz, L.; Cruz, L. Aviso (extrato) n.º 6467/2020. Diário da República n.º 75/2020, Série II de 2020-04-16, Volume Aviso (extrato), 6467/2020, (2020), 244 - 261 ind_type:5 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationCalheiros C., Ferraz A., Brito M., Rodrigues A.C. Guia para o Saneamento Ecológico Integral, (2020), 13-32 ind_type:8 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationFerraz, A.I.; Afonso, I.; Rodrigues., A.S.; Alonso, J.; Mendes, S.; Vale, A.P.; Pereira, J.; Alves, M.; Senra, E.; Ribeiro, E.; Oliveira, C.; Pais, S.; Figueiredo, S.; Rodrigues, A.C. III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Valin, I., Brito, L. M., Mendes, S., Calheiros, C. S. C., Guerreiro, A., Dias, G. Livro de Resumos 1ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Desenvolvimento sustentável: Instituições de Ensino Superior como agentes de mudança , (2019), 65-66 ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues A.C., Dias G., Valin I., Brito L:M., Calheiros C., Mendes S., Guerreiro A., Ferraz A. IWW, Amsterdam International Water Week, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationDias, G., Rodrigues, A. C. , Ferraz, A. , Nogueira, J. e Silva, S. Livro de Resumos 1ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Desenvolvimento sustentável: Instituições de Ensino Superior como agentes de mudança, (2019), 133-134 ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationAfonso, I.; Rodrigues, A.C.; Romão, A.; Senra, E.; Ribeiro, E.; Ferraz, A.I. III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues, C., Guerreiro, A., Ferraz, A., Dias, G., Valin, I., Brito, L.M., Mendes, S., Calheiros, C.S.C. Livro de Resumos: XVIII Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências (XVIII ENEC) | III International Seminar of Science Education (III ISSE). Educação em Ciências: cruzar caminhos, unir saberes. Portuga, (2019), ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationAlonso, J.; Mouta, N.; Silva, R.; Rodrigues, A.C.; Ferraz, A.; Estevens, S.; Caldas, B. III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationNunes, L.J.R., Nogueira, J., Ferraz, A., Rodrigues, A.C., Tomé, M., Silva, S., Paredes, C., Alonso, J.M. Paisagens Culturais, Heranças e Desafios no Território. Livro de Resumos VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais; VIII Encontro Rural RePort, (2019), ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationNUNES, L.J.R., NOGUEIRA, J., FERRAZ, A., RODRIGUES, A.C., TOMÉ, M., SILVA, S., PAREDES, C., ALONSO, J.M., REGO, R., ALVES, D., RESENDE, P. VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Valin, I., Brito, L. M., Mendes, S., Calheiros, C. S. C., Guerreiro, A., Dias, G. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues, A.C., Ferraz A., Valin I., Brito L.M., Mendes S., Calheiros C.S.C., Guerreiro A., Dias G. Paisagens Culturais, Heranças e Desafios no Território. Livro de Resumos VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais; VIII Encontro Rural RePort, (2019), ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationDias, G., Rodrigues, A. C. , Ferraz, A. , Nogueira, J. e Silva, S. 1ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Desenvolvimento sustentável: Instituições de Ensino Superior como agentes de mudança, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues, A.C., Ferraz A., Valin I., Brito L.M., Mendes S., Calheiros C.S.C., Guerreiro A., Dias G. VIII Congresso de Estudos Rurais, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationFerraz, A.I.; Afonso, I.; Rodrigues., A.S.; Alonso, J.; Mendes, S.; Vale, A.P.; Pereira, J.; Alves, M.; Senra, E.; Ribeiro, E.; Oliveira, C.; Pais, S.; Figueiredo, S.; Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de Resumos do III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), 195 ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationAna Isabel Ferraz, Isabel Afonso, Ana Sofia Rodrigues, Joaquim Alonso, Susana Mendes, Ana Paula Vale, Jéssica Pereira, Margarida Alves, Emanuel Senra, Eduarda Oliveira, Cláudia Oliveira, Sandra Pais, Voz do Campo, Revista do Setor Agrário, Arigos Técnicos e de Ciência I-II., (2019), ind_type:5 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues, C., Guerreiro, A., Ferraz, A., Dias, G., Valin, I., Brito, L. M., Mendes, S., Calheiros, C. S. C. XVIII Encontro Nacional de Educação em Ciências e III International Seminar of Science Education, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationFerraz A.I., Afonso I., Rodrigues A.S., Alonso J., Mendes S., Vale A.P., Pereira J., Alves M., Senra E., Oliveira E., Oliveira C., Pais S., Figueiredo S., Rodrigues A.C. IX Encontros Vínicos do Vinho Verde, (2019), ind_type:9 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationRodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Valin, I., Dias, G., Brito, L.M., Guerreiro, A., Calheiros, C.S.C. 19º ENE – Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationAfonso, I.; Rodrigues, A.C.; Romão, A.; Senra, E.; Ribeiro, E.; Ferraz, A.I. Livro de Resumos do III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), 196 ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationAlonso, J.; Mouta, N.; Silva, R.; Rodrigues, A.C.; Ferraz, A.; Estevens, S.; Caldas, B. Livro de Resumos do III Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2019), 92 ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Eco-Bio 2018: Team up to accelerate the global bioeconomy, (2018), ind_type:10 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationAfonso, I.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Eco-Bio 2018 Book of Abstracts , (2018), ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Internet Journal of Viticulture and enology, n. 12/2., (2018), ind_type:5 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationR. Coura, A.C. Rodrigues, A.I. Ferraz, A.G. Brito 6th International Dry Toilet Conference Book of Abstract, (2018), ind_type:11 |
Energy recovery of agricultural residues: Incorporation of vine pruning in the production of biomass pellets with enplus® certificationR. Coura, A.C. Rodrigues, A.I. Ferraz, A.G. Brito. 6th International Dry Toilet Conference , (2018), ind_type:9 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)Cristóvão Rodrigues, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Cândida Vilarinho, Madalena Alves, Joaquim Mamede Alonso Innovation, Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Volume 505, (2018), 626-632 ind_type:2 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)Afonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de Resumos do II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), 185-186 ind_type:11 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)Afonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Pereira, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), ind_type:10 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)Afonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Pereira, J.; Alves, M.; A.R., Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de Resumos do II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), 200-201 ind_type:11 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)Ias Jornadas Técnico-Científicas do IPVC, Auditório Francisco Sampaio - ESTG ALONSO, J.M., RODRIGUES, A.C., FERRAZ, A.I., GUEDES, A.P., CALDAS, B., PAREDES, C., NUNES, L.J.R., BRITO, L.M., DIAS, M.G., VALIN, M.I., (2017), ind_type:9 |
Spatial Multicriteria GIS-Based Analysis to Anaerobic Biogas Plant Location for Dairy Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Energy Recovery (Barcelos, NW Portugal)T. Borges, L. Amorim, A.C. Rodrigues, F. Pereira, A.I. Ferraz The Role of Water Innovation in the Blue Economy, 4th Water Research Conference , (2017), ind_type:10 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesSilva, S., Rodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Alonso, J. Waste Biomass Management - A Holistic Approach, (2017), 339-366 ind_type:2 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesSilva, S.; Rodrigues A.; Ferraz, A.; Alonso, J. Waste Biomass Management – A Holistic Approach, (2017), 339-366 ind_type:8 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C.. Enoforum - Innovazione ed Eccellenza, (2017), ind_type:10 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesT. Borges, L. Amorim, A.C. Rodrigues, F. Pereira, A.I. Ferraz Book of Abstracts of the 4th Water Research Conference. The Role of Water Technology Innovation in the Blue Economy, (2017), 10-13 ind_type:11 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesIsabel Valín, Cristina Rodrigues, Joaquim Alonso, Susana Mendes, Ana Paula Vale, Sofia Rodrigues, Ana Ferraz, Claudio Paredes, Isabel Afonso, Joana Nogueira, Julio César Lopes, Raúl Rodrigues A investigación em viticultura na Eurorregión, (2017), ind_type:9 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesFerraz, A.; Afonso, I.M.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. Livro de Resumos do II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), 142-143 ind_type:11 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesFerraz, A., Afonso, I.M., Rodrigues, A.S., Vale, A.P., Mendes, S., Domingues, J., Alves, M., Rodrigues, A.C. II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), ind_type:10 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesAfonso, I.M.; Ferraz, A.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Vale, A.P.; Mendes, S.; Alonso, J.; Domingues, J.; Alves, M.; Rodrigues, A.C. II Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2017), ind_type:9 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesRenata D’Arc Coura, Ana Ferraz, Ana Cristina Rodrigues International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, Volume 4, 1, (2016), 89-91 ind_type:5 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesCoura, Renata D’arc; Ferraz, Ana; Rodrigues, Ana Cristina; Brito, António Guerreiro Livro de resumos de Bioiberoamerica 2016: Biotecnologia Integrando Continentes, (2016), ind_type:11 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesRenata D’arc Coura, Ana Cristina Rodrigues, Ana Ferraz, Paulo Belli, António Guerreiro de Brito BioIberoamérica, Biotecnologia Integrando continents, (2016), ind_type:9 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesCoura R. D., Ferraz A., Rodrigues A.C. International Conference on Environmental Science and Development (ICESD), (2015), ind_type:9 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesCoura, Renata, Rodrigues, A.C., Belli, P, Ferraz, A., Brito, A.G. 2015 International Workshop on Environment and Alternative Energy “Increasing Space Mission Resiliency Through Sustainability”,, (2015), ind_type:9 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesGomes A. S., Silva C. M., Alves J. M., Rodrigues A. C., Ferraz A. I. I Congresso Nacional das Escolas Superiores Agrárias, (2015), ind_type:10 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesR. Coura, A. Ferraz, J. Alonso, A.C. Rodrigues International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management, (2014), ind_type:9 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesR. Coura, A. Ferraz, J. Alonso, A.C. Rodrigues International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management Book of Abstracts, (2014), 332 ind_type:11 |
An integrated approach for efficient energy recovery production from livestock and agro-industrial wastesJ. Correia, A. Ferraz, A. C. Rodrigues, A. Martins, J. Alonso 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, (2013), ind_type:9 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationRodrigues, A., Nogueira, R., Melo, L.F., Brito, A.G. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, Volume 83, (2013), 48-55 ind_type:2 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationMartins, A., Rodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Correia, J., Alonso, J.M. 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, (2013), ind_type:9 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationJ. Correia, A. Ferraz, A. C. Rodrigues, A. Martins, J. Alonso Livro de Atas da 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, (2013), 472-477 ind_type:11 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationMartins, A., Rodrigues, A.C., Ferraz, A., Correia, J., Alonso, J.M. Livro de Atas da 10ª Conferência Nacional do Ambiente, XII Congresso Nacional de Engenharia do Ambiente, (2013), 478-483 ind_type:11 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationFerraz, A. I., Rodrigues, A. C.. ECO STP – EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, IWA, (2012), ind_type:10 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationRodrigues A. C., Ferraz, A. I., Macho, R., Alonso, J. M. ECO STP – EcoTechnologies for Wastewater Treatment, IWA, (2012), ind_type:10 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationFerraz A. I., Rodrigues A. C. Biotecnologia, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, (2011), 101-107 ind_type:8 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationFerraz A. I., Rodrigues A. C. Biotecnologia, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, (2011), 119-150 ind_type:8 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationFerraz A. I., Nogueira R., Rodrigues A. C. Biotecnologia, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável , (2011), 153-170 ind_type:8 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationFerraz A. I., Rodrigues A. C. (2011), ind_type:47 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationFerraz A. I., Rodrigues A. C. Biotecnologia, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, (2011), 1-7 ind_type:8 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationRodrigues, A., Ferraz, A., Alonso, J. Procedings of the 14th Ramiran International Conference of the FAO ESCORENA Network on the Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture. Treatment and Use of Organic Res, (2010), ind_type:11 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationRodrigues, A., Ferraz, A. e Alonso, J. 14th Ramiran International Conference on Treatment and use of organic residues in agricultura: Challenges and Opportunities towards sustainable management, (2010), ind_type:10 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationRodrigues, A., Ferraz, A., Mamede, J. e Alonso, J. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of Energy, Environmental Engineering and Management, (2009), 83 ind_type:11 |
Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradationRodrigues, A., Ferraz, A., Mamede, J. e Alonso, J. 3rd International Congress of Energy, Environmental Engineering and Management, (2009), ind_type:9 |
Brewery and winery wastewater treatment: Some focal points of design and operationBrito, A.G., Peixoto, J., Oliveira, J.M., Oliveira, J.A., Costa, C., Nogueira, R., Rodrigues, A. Utilization of By-Products and Treatment of Waste in the Food Industry, (2007), 109-131 ind_type:2 |
Fluorene and phenanthrene uptake by Pseudomonas putida ATCC 17514: Kinetics and physiological aspectsRodrigues, A.C., Wuertz, S., Brito, A.G., Melo, L.F. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 90, 3, (2005), 281-289 ind_type:2 |
Three-dimensional distribution of GFP-labeled Pseudomonas putida during biofilm formation on solid PAHs assessed by confocal laser scanning microscopyRodrigues, A.C., Wuertz, S., Brito, A.G., Melo, L.F. Water Science and Technology, Volume 47, 5, (2003), 139-142 ind_type:2 |
Posttreatment of a brewery wastewater using a sequencing batch reactorRodrigues, A.C., Brito, A.G., Melo, L.F. Water Environment Research, Volume 73, 1, (2001), 45-51 ind_type:2 |
Granulation during the start-up of a UASB reactor used in the treatment of low strength wastewatersBrito, A.G., Rodrigues, A.C., Melo, L.F. Biotechnology Letters, Volume 19, 4, (1997), 363-367 ind_type:2 |
Feasibility of a pulsed sequencing batch reactor with anaerobic aggregated biomass for the treatment of low strength wastewatersBrito, A.G., Rodrigues, A.C., Melo, L.F. Water Science and Technology, Volume 35, 1, (1997), 193-198 ind_type:2 |
Name |
NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000204 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2021-01-01 To: 2023-11-30 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000043 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2020-10-01 To: 2023-09-30 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046112 | Ana Isabel Oliveira Faria Ferraz | From: 2020-07-01 To: 2023-06-30 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
proMetheus 1/2021 | Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues | From: 2022-02-15 To: 2023-02-14 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:23 |
PCIF/MPG/0108/2017 | Joaquim Mamede Alonso | From: 2019-02-01 To: 2023-01-31 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
Verão Com Ciência | Ana Isabel Oliveira Faria Ferraz | From: 2022-08-01 To: 2022-09-15 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
proMetheus 9/2021 | Joana Lopes Teixeira Nogueira Santos | From: 2022-02-01 To: 2022-07-31 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:23 |
Candidatura nº 1016 - Projeto SEIVA - Aviso n.º 6700/2021 | Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues | From: 2021-09-06 To: 2022-02-06 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
FA Candidatura n.º ?58 - Aviso n.º 3771-A/2018 | Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues | From: 2018-09-01 To: 2019-02-28 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
POCI-02-0853-FEDER-017113 | Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues | From: 2016-05-01 To: 2018-04-30 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
NORTE-08-0569-FEDER-000038 | Maria Gabriela Martins Dias | From: 2013-01-01 To: 2015-12-31 Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues ind_type:25 |
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Publications: 1
Projects: 3
Affordable and Clean Energy
Publications: 7
Climate Action
Projects: 1
External Services: 1
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Publications: 2
Projects: 4
Responsible Consuption and Production
Publications: 2
Projects: 4
External Services: 1