António José Candeias Curado

Short biography

António Curado graduated in Civil Engineering in 1996 at IST. In 2004, he completed the MSc Degree in Construction at FEUP, and was awarded a prize for the best master's. Since 2006 he is an Expert in Energy Certification (ADENE), and a full chartered engineer (OE). In 2014 he completed his Ph.D. in Energy Efficiency with Distinction, at FEUP. He is a Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC) where he belongs to the management board of proMetheus, a Research Unit in Materials, Energy and Environment for Sustainability. His main investigation field of research is regarding energy efficiency, indoor air quality and sustainability. He publishes frequently scientific articles in international journals and conferences, supervises investigation thesis, and coordinates financed research projects. He is a frequent reviewer of papers and articles in journals and international conferences, and currently, he is the Pro-President of IPVC for sustainability and the built environment.
Select a project type
Indoor Radon and Energy Efficiency: A “Short Blanket” Problem that Demands for Balanced Ventilation

A. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes

AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 3094, 1, (2024),

Refill_H2O: An IoT-Enabled Smart and Sustainable Water Dispensing Ecosystem

S.I. Lopes, A.F. Curralo, L. Sá, A. Curado

Environmental Science and Engineering, (2024), 471-481

Integrating Renewable Energy Produced by a Library Building on a University Campus in a Scenario of Collective Self-Consumption

I. Araújo, L.J.R. Nunes, D.P. Vilas, A. Curado

Energies, Volume 17, 14, (2024),

Integrating Renewable Energy Produced by a Library Building on a University Campus in a Scenario of Collective Self-Consumption

Curralo, A.F., Curado, A., Barros, P., Freitas, I., Lopes, S.I.

Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV. DIGICOM 2023. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 35. Springer, Cham, (2024), 677-694

Integrating Renewable Energy Produced by a Library Building on a University Campus in a Scenario of Collective Self-Consumption

Sérgio Ivan Lopes, Paulo Manuel Barros, António José Curado, Tiago Manuel Fernández Camáres, Paula Fraga-Lamas, Óscar Blanco Novoa

23200621.3, (2024),

The Use of Asbestos and Its Consequences: An Assessment of Environmental Impacts and Public Health Risks

António Curado, Leonel J. R. Nunes, Arlete Carvalho, João Abrantes, Eduarda Lima, Mário Tomé

Fibers, Volume 12, 12, (2024), 102

Designing IoT-Based Products for Indoor Air Quality Management: A Design Thinking Methodology

A.F. Curralo, A. Curado, P. Barros, I. Freitas, S.I. Lopes

Springer Series in Design and Innovation, Volume 35, (2024), 677-694

A transição energética nas Instituições de Ensino Superior: o IPVC como caso de estudo

Bruno Alves, Ivo Araujo, António Curado

Livro de Atas da 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável - Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023), 147-148

The Relationship between Radon and Geology: Sources, Transport and Indoor Accumulation

L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 13, 13, (2023),

The Relationship between Radon and Geology: Sources, Transport and Indoor Accumulation

Ivo Araujo, Bruno Alves, António Curado

CCS 2023 – 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023),

The Relationship between Radon and Geology: Sources, Transport and Indoor Accumulation

J.P. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes, S.I. Lopes

The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research. ICEER 2022. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham., (2023), 91-99

The Relationship between Radon and Geology: Sources, Transport and Indoor Accumulation

Sérgio Ivan Lopes, Ana Filomena Curralo, Leandro Sá and António Curado

ICEER 2023 - The 10th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research - Sustainable Development with Renewable Energy, (2023),

Eficiência Energética no Campus Académico: o Caso de Estudo da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo

Ivo Araujo, Bruno Alves, António Curado

Livro de Atas da 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável - Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023), 181-182

Novel High-Performance ETICS Coatings with Cool Pigments Incorporation

A. Curado, R. Figueiras, H. Gonçalves, F. Sambento, L.J.R. Nunes

Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 15, 12, (2023),

Novel High-Performance ETICS Coatings with Cool Pigments Incorporation

Ana Filomena Curralo, António Curado, Paulo Barros, Inês Freitas, Sergio Ivan Lopes

DIGICOM 2023 – 7th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, (2023),

Novel High-Performance ETICS Coatings with Cool Pigments Incorporation

Sérgio I. Lopes, António Curado

Project TECH (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000043) Results Presentation Seminar, (2023),

Novel High-Performance ETICS Coatings with Cool Pigments Incorporation

Sérgio Ivan Lopes, Ana Filomena Curralo, Leandro Sá and António Curado

Book of Abstracts - ICEER 2023 - The 10th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research - Sustainable Development with Renewable Energy (ISBN 978-989-35251-2-8), (2023), 100-101

Preliminary Approach for the Development of Sustainable University Campuses: A Case Study Based on the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

I. Araújo, L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado

Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 15, 6, (2023),

High Indoor Rn Concentration Mitigation in a Heritage Building: Case Study Analysis of the Applied Constructive Measures

António Curado

Awards Cerimony Viana Práxis. Architecture Award of Viana do Castelo, (2023),

Indoor radon mitigation strategies: The Alto Minho region (Northern Portugal) practical case

L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Indoor and Built Environment, (2023),

Indoor radon mitigation strategies: The Alto Minho region (Northern Portugal) practical case

A. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes, J.P. Silva, N. Lopes, R. Azevedo, S.I. Lopes

The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research. ICEER 2022. Environmental Science and Engineering. Springer, Cham., (2023), 505-514

Indoor radon mitigation strategies: The Alto Minho region (Northern Portugal) practical case

António Curado, Leonel J.R. Nunes

CIRMARE 2023, VI International Congress on Recovery, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Buildings, (2023),

Indoor radon monitoring for occupational health reinforcement in Portugal: compliance, prevention, and technological advancements

L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids, (2023),

Long-term vs. short-term measurements in indoor Rn concentration monitoring: Establishing a procedure for assessing exposure potential (RnEP)

Gabriela Dias, Patrícia Fonte, Cristina Calheiros, Ana Ferraz, António Curado, Ana Cristina Rodrigues

CCS 2023 – 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023),

Long-term vs. short-term measurements in indoor Rn concentration monitoring: Establishing a procedure for assessing exposure potential (RnEP)

A.F. Curralo, A. Curado, L. Nunes, S.I. Lopes

Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education: Responsible Innovation for Global Co-Habitation, E and PDE 2023, (2023), 139-144

Long-term vs. short-term measurements in indoor Rn concentration monitoring: Establishing a procedure for assessing exposure potential (RnEP)

Ana Ferraz, António Curado, Joana Nogueira, João Abrantes, Leonel Nunes, Mafalda Laranjo e Mário Tomé


Agricultura Integrada em Edifício: O Projeto Seiva – Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para Alimentação

Gabriela Dias, Patrícia Fonte, Cristina Calheiros, Ana Ferraz, António Curado, Ana Cristina Rodrigues

Livro de Atas da 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável - Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023), 209-210

Understanding Seasonal Indoor Radon Variability from Data Collected with a LoRa-Enabled IoT Edge Device

L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 13, 8, (2023),

Understanding Seasonal Indoor Radon Variability from Data Collected with a LoRa-Enabled IoT Edge Device

Bruno Alves, Ivo Araujo, António Curado

CCS 2023 – 5ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023),

Understanding Seasonal Indoor Radon Variability from Data Collected with a LoRa-Enabled IoT Edge Device

A. F. Curralo, P. M. Faria, P. Azeredo, A. Curado, S. I. Lopes

Usability and User Experience. AHFE (2022) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, (2022),

Designing a Multicriteria WebGIS-Based Pre-Diagnosis Tool for Indoor Radon Potential Assessment

Leonel J. R. Nunes, António Curado, Rolando Azevedo, Joaquim P. Silva, Nuno Lopes, Sérgio Ivan Lopes

Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 12, 3, (2022), 1412

Joining Sustainable Design and Internet of Things Technologies on Campus: The IPVC Smartbottle Practical Case

A.F. Curralo, S.I. Lopes, J. Mendes, A. Curado

Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 14, 10, (2022),

Joining Sustainable Design and Internet of Things Technologies on Campus: The IPVC Smartbottle Practical Case

Bruno Alves, Ivo Araújo e António Curado

CCS 2022 – 4ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Parcerias para a Neutralidade Carbónica no Campus: Relação Academia - Comunidade, (2022),

Joining Sustainable Design and Internet of Things Technologies on Campus: The IPVC Smartbottle Practical Case

Curado, António; Figueiras, Ricardo; Gonçalves, Hélder and Sambento, Filipe


Thermal discomfort Assessment in Schools Buildings: Study Based on Short-Term Measurements

K. Aleixo, A. Curado

AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2425, (2022),

Thermal discomfort Assessment in Schools Buildings: Study Based on Short-Term Measurements

Ivo Araújo, Bruno Alves e António Curado

CCS 2022 – 4ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Parcerias para a Neutralidade Carbónica no Campus: Relação Academia - Comunidade, (2022),

Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy Consumption

Ivo Araújo, Leonel J. R. Nunes, David Patíño Vilas, António Curado

Energies, Volume 15, 22, (2022), 8412

Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy Consumption

António Curado

1.º Debate do Ciclo de Debates Internos da proMetheus – Unidade de Investigação em Materiais, Energia e Ambiente para a Sustentabilidade, (2022),

Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy Consumption

A. F. Curralo, P. M. Faria, P. Azeredo, A. Curado, S. I. Lopes

13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022), (2022),

Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy Consumption

Instituto Português da Qualidade, Comissão Setorial para a Educação e Formação (CS/11)

E-book “Sustentabilidade – Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) nas práticas das Instituições de Ensino e Formação”, Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ), Comissão Setorial para a Educação, (2022), 179

Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy Consumption

Curado, António; Figueiras, Ricardo; Gonçalves, Hélder;Sambento, Filipe

REHABEND, (2022), 1871-1878

Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy Consumption

Bruno Alves, Ivo Araújo e António Curado

Livro de Atas - 4ª Conferência Campus Sustentável (CCS2022) – Parcerias para a Neutralidade Carbónica no Campus: Relação Academia - Comunidade, (2022), 22-23

Photovoltaic Production Management in a Hall of Residence with High Energy Consumption

Curado, António; Figueiras, Ricardo; Gonçalves, Hélder and Sambento, Filipe


Confined Spaces in Buildings with High Indoor Radon Concentration: A Case Study Analysis with the Application of Constructive Remediation Measures

R. Azevedo, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes and S. I. Lopes

17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), (2022),

Confined Spaces in Buildings with High Indoor Radon Concentration: A Case Study Analysis with the Application of Constructive Remediation Measures

Book of Abstracts 3rd Sustainable Campus Conference (CCS2021): Campus Sustentável – Desafios e Oportunidades

Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, (2022),

Confined Spaces in Buildings with High Indoor Radon Concentration: A Case Study Analysis with the Application of Constructive Remediation Measures

Ana Sofia Rodrigues, António Curado e Paula Cristina Silva

12.ª Conferência FORGES – Desafios do Ensino Superior em Novos Contextos Sociais e Geopolíticos, (2022),

Confined Spaces in Buildings with High Indoor Radon Concentration: A Case Study Analysis with the Application of Constructive Remediation Measures

Ivo Araújo, Bruno Alves e António Curado

CCS 2022 – 4ª Conferência Campus Sustentável – Parcerias para a Neutralidade Carbónica no Campus: Relação Academia - Comunidade, (2022), 28-29

Confined Spaces in Buildings with High Indoor Radon Concentration: A Case Study Analysis with the Application of Constructive Remediation Measures

R. Azevedo, J. Silva, N. Lopes, L. Nunes, A. Curado, S I. Lopes

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications - DATA 2022, ISBN 978-989-758-583-8, Volume 1, (2022), 361-369

Confined Spaces in Buildings with High Indoor Radon Concentration: A Case Study Analysis with the Application of Constructive Remediation Measures

R. Azevedo, J. Silva, N. Lopes, L. Nunes, A. Curado, S I. Lopes

DATA 2022 – 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, (2022),

Impacts of Indoor Radon on Health: A Comprehensive Review on Causes, Assessment and Remediation Strategies

L.J.R. Nunes, A. Curado, L.C.C. da Graça, S. Soares, S.I. Lopes

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 19, 7, (2022),

Impacts of Indoor Radon on Health: A Comprehensive Review on Causes, Assessment and Remediation Strategies

Curado, António; Figueiras, Ricardo; Gonçalves, Hélder and Sambento, Filipe

Rehabend 2022: Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management, (2022),

Designing an IoT-enabled Data Warehouse for Indoor Radon Time Series Analytics

R. Azevedo, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes and S. I. Lopes

Proceedings of 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), (2022), 1-6

Designing an IoT-enabled Data Warehouse for Indoor Radon Time Series Analytics

A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, R. Azevedo, S. I. Lopes

Book of Abstracts of ICEER 2022 – 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research -Greening Energy to Shape a Sustainable Future (ISBN 978-989-53496-6-1), Volume 1, 1, (2022), 226

A pre-diagnosis model for radon potential evaluation in buildings: A tool for balancing ventilation, indoor air quality and energy efficiency

J. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L.J.R. Nunes, S.I. Lopes

Energy Reports, Volume 8, (2022), 539-546

A pre-diagnosis model for radon potential evaluation in buildings: A tool for balancing ventilation, indoor air quality and energy efficiency

A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, R. Azevedo, S. I. Lopes

ICEER 2022 – 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research - Greening Energy to Shape a Sustainable Future, (2022),

Designing a FIWARE-Based Smart Campus with IoT Edge-Enabled Intelligence

Pedro Martins, Sérgio I. Lopes, António Curado

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Volume 1367 AISC, (2021), 557-569

The Sustainable Smartbottle: A Proposed Design Methodology to Minimize Plastic Pollution

Mendes J., Curralo A., Curado A., Lopes S.I.

Advances in Design and Digital Communication. Digicom 2020. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 12, (2021), 617

Towards a smart & sustainable campus: An application-oriented architecture to streamline digitization and strengthen sustainability in academia

P. Martins, S.I. Lopes, A.M.R. da Cruz, A. Curado

Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 13, 6, (2021),

Towards a smart & sustainable campus: An application-oriented architecture to streamline digitization and strengthen sustainability in academia

António Curado e Sérgio Ivan Lopes

CCS 2021 – 3ª Conferência Campus Sustentável. Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa., (2021),

Towards a smart & sustainable campus: An application-oriented architecture to streamline digitization and strengthen sustainability in academia

A. Curado e S. Lopes

Book of Abstracts of 3rd Sustainable Campus Conference (CCS2021): Campus Sustentável – Desafios e Oportunidades (ISBN: 978-989-53068-7-9), Volume 1, 1, (2021), 251

Towards a smart & sustainable campus: An application-oriented architecture to streamline digitization and strengthen sustainability in academia

R. Azevedo, J. P. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado and S. I. Lopes

Sustainability and Automation in Smart Constructions. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). 2021, (2021),

Towards a smart & sustainable campus: An application-oriented architecture to streamline digitization and strengthen sustainability in academia

António Curado

E-book “Sustentabilidade – Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) nas práticas das Instituições de Ensino e Formação”, Instituto Português da Qualidade (IPQ), Comissão Setorial para a Educação, (2021), 223

Towards a smart & sustainable campus: An application-oriented architecture to streamline digitization and strengthen sustainability in academia

J. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, S. I. Lopes

Book of Abstracts of ICEER 2021 – 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ISBN 978-989-54758-9-6), Volume 1, 1, (2021), 275

Towards a smart & sustainable campus: An application-oriented architecture to streamline digitization and strengthen sustainability in academia

Curado A.; Sérgio I. Lopes, Leonel J. R. Nunes

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601), (2021),

A Methodological Design Approach for Health Education: Indoor Radon Exposure Case Study

Azeredo P., Curralo A., Curado A., Lopes S.I.

Advances in Design and Digital Communication II. DIGICOM 2021. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 19. Springer, Cham, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-89735-2_44, (2021), 702

A Methodological Design Approach for Health Education: Indoor Radon Exposure Case Study

J. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, S. I. Lopes

Book of Abstracts - ICEER 2021 – 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, (2021), 276

Designing an Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator (IRREI): An Evaluation Tool for Risk Management and Communication in the IoT Age

Sérgio Ivan Lopes, Leonel J. R. Nunes, António Curado

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 18, 15, (2021), 7907

Designing an Indoor Radon Risk Exposure Indicator (IRREI): An Evaluation Tool for Risk Management and Communication in the IoT Age

Mendes J., Curralo A., Curado A., Lopes S.I.

Advances in Human Dynamics for the Development of Contemporary Societies. AHFE 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 277. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-80415-2_3, (2021), 158

Short-Term Indoor Radon Gas Assessment in Granitic Public Buildings: A Multi-Parameter Approach

R. Azevedo, J.P. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation, (2021), 415-418

Fostering Sustainability on Campus: Design of an IoT-Enabled Smartbottle for Plastic Reduction in the Academic Environment

João Mendes, Ana Curralo, António Curado, Sérgio I. Lopes

Advances in Human Dynamics for the Development of Contemporary Societies, Volume 277, (2021), 18-25

Fostering Sustainability on Campus: Design of an IoT-Enabled Smartbottle for Plastic Reduction in the Academic Environment

Abreu A., Lopes S.I., Manso V. and Curado A.

Science and Technologies for Smart Cities. SmartCity360° 2020. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 372. Springer, Cham, DOI, (2021), 652


P. Barros, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 252, 2021, (2021), 163-176


J. Silva, N. Lopes, A. Curado, L. J. R. Nunes, S. I. Lopes,

ICEER 2021 – 8th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, (2021),

Low-Cost LoRa-Based IoT Edge Device for Indoor Air Quality Management in Schools

António Abreu, Sérgio I. Lopes, Vitor Manso, António Curado

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume 372, (2021), 246-258

Low-Cost LoRa-Based IoT Edge Device for Indoor Air Quality Management in Schools

Mendes J., Curralo A., Curado A., Lopes S.I.

AHFE 2021, 12th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, (2021),

Low-Cost LoRa-Based IoT Edge Device for Indoor Air Quality Management in Schools

Martins P., Lopes S.I., Curado A.

Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1367. Springer, Cham, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-72660-7_53, (2021), 686

Internet of things (IoT) technologies for managing indoor radon risk exposure: Applications, opportunities, and future challenges

P. Barros, A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Applied Sciences (Switzerland), Volume 11, 22, (2021),

Internet of things (IoT) technologies for managing indoor radon risk exposure: Applications, opportunities, and future challenges

António José Candeias Curado

Book of Abstracts – 2nd Sustainable Campus Conference (CCS2020) - Smart Initiatives for a Sustainable Campus ISBN 978-989-8840-49-3, (2020), 211

Short-Term Indoor Radon Gas Study in a Granitic School Building: A Comparative Analysis of Occupation Periods

Rolando Azevedo, Joaquim P. Silva, Nuno Lopes, António Curado, Sérgio I. Lopes

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume 323 LNICST, (2020), 80-89

Short-Term Indoor Radon Gas Study in a Granitic School Building: A Comparative Analysis of Occupation Periods

A. Curado, Sérgio I. Lopes

Research Project RnMonitor (Ref: SAICT-POL/23997/2016), (2020),

RNProbe: A lora-enabled IoT edge device for integrated radon risk management

F. Pereira, S.I. Lopes, N.B. Carvalho, A. Curado

IEEE Access, Volume 8, (2020), 203488-203502

RNProbe: A lora-enabled IoT edge device for integrated radon risk management

A. Curado

Seminário “Verão com Ciência nos Politécnicos” realizado no âmbito do Apoio Especial "Verão com Ciência", promovido pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia em colaboração com a Direção Geral do En, (2020),

RNProbe: A lora-enabled IoT edge device for integrated radon risk management

António José Candeias Curado

6th Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering 2020 (MSCSE2020) in the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2020 (ICNAAM 2020), 17-23 , (2020),

RNProbe: A lora-enabled IoT edge device for integrated radon risk management

J. Mendes, A. Curralo, A. Curado, and S.I. Lopes

Digicom 2020 – 4th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, (2020),

Airtightness assessment using blower door measurements in a habitable attic

Kevin Aleixo, António Curado


Airtightness assessment using blower door measurements in a habitable attic

Ivo Araújo, António Curado e Ana Sofia Rodrigues

2nd Sustainable Campus Conference (CCS2020) – Virtual -. Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT), (2020),

Airtightness assessment using blower door measurements in a habitable attic

A. Curado, S.I. Lopes, A. Antão

Comunicacoes Geologicas, Volume 107, 1, (2020), 31-41

Radon risk assessment in a low-energy consumption school building: A dosimetric approach for effective risk management

Curado, A., Silva, J.P., Lopes, S.I.

Energy Reports, Volume 6, (2020), 897-902

Short-Term Indoor Radon Gas Assessment in Granitic Public Buildings: A Multi-Parameter Approach

Rolando Azevedo, Joaquim P. Silva, Nuno Lopes, António Curado, Sérgio I. Lopes

Sustainability and Automation in Smart Constructions, (2020), 415-418

Short-Term Indoor Radon Gas Assessment in Granitic Public Buildings: A Multi-Parameter Approach

António Curado, Bruno Alves e Sérgio I. Lopes

2nd Sustainable Campus Conference (CCS2020) – Virtual -. Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (IPT), (2020),

Radon Risk Reduction in Public Buildings with Regular Occupancy: A Case Study in Minho Region, Portugal

A Curado, J P Silva, S I Lopes

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 503, 1, (2020), 012068

Radon Risk Reduction in Public Buildings with Regular Occupancy: A Case Study in Minho Region, Portugal

António José Candeias Curado

Book of Abstracts – 2nd Sustainable Campus Conference (CCS2020) - Smart Initiatives for a Sustainable Campus ISBN 978-989-8840-49-3, (2020), 211

Radon Risk Reduction in Public Buildings with Regular Occupancy: A Case Study in Minho Region, Portugal

A. Curado

“Prevenção e Sensibilização para a Redução do Lixo Marinho”, Concurso Small Grants Scheme#1 dos EEA Grants, (2020),

Comparative Economic Sustainability of Commonly used Flat Roofs in Portugal

D Ribas, A Curado, P Cachim

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Volume 503, 1, (2020), 012071

Comparative Economic Sustainability of Commonly used Flat Roofs in Portugal

A.S. Rodrigues, L. Saraiva , M. Rocha, M. Mourão, F. Carvalho, J. Dantas, L. Miranda, J.C. Pereira, C. Oliveira, A. Curado, A. Videira, M. Amorim, M.F. Patrocínio

10.ª Conferência FORGES – Fórum de Gestão do Ensino Superior nos Países e Regiões de Língua Portuguesa, 18-20 novembro 2020, Universidade de Évora | Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, Portugal., (2020),

A Visual Analytics Approach for Effective Radon Risk Perception in the IoT Era

Sérgio I. Lopes, Sanne Bogers, Pedro M. Moreira, António Curado

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume 323 LNICST, (2020), 90-101

A Visual Analytics Approach for Effective Radon Risk Perception in the IoT Era

Filipe Sambento and António Curado

REHABEND 2020 - 8th Euro-American Congress on Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management, (2020),

A Visual Analytics Approach for Effective Radon Risk Perception in the IoT Era

J. Mendes, A. Curralo, A. Curado, and S.I. Lopes

Digicom 2020 – 4th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Barcelos, Portugal, 5-7 November, 2020, Barcelos, Portugal,, (2020),

RnMonitor: An IoT-Enabled Platform for Radon Risk Management in Public Buildings

Pedro Martins, Sérgio I. Lopes, Felisberto Pereira, António Curado

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Volume 323 LNICST, (2020), 49-55

RnMonitor: An IoT-Enabled Platform for Radon Risk Management in Public Buildings

A. Curado

ICNAAM 2020: 18th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, (2020),

Influence of thermal insulation of facades on the performance of retrofitted social housing buildings in Southern European countries

A. Curado, V.P. de Freitas

Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 48, (2019), 101534

Influence of thermal insulation of facades on the performance of retrofitted social housing buildings in Southern European countries

A. Curado, J.P. Silva, S.I. Lopes

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, 1 Special Issue 4, (2019), 90-96

Radon risk analysis in a set of public buildings in Minho region, Portugal: from short-term monitoring to radon risk assessment

António Curado, João P. Silva, Sérgio I. Lopes

Procedia Structural Integrity, Volume 22, (2019), 386-392

Radon risk analysis in a set of public buildings in Minho region, Portugal: from short-term monitoring to radon risk assessment

D.A. Ribas, A. Curado, P.B. Cachim

Advances and Trends in Engineering Sciences and Technologies III- Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technologies, ESaT 2018, (2019), 551-557

Radon risk analysis in a set of public buildings in Minho region, Portugal: from short-term monitoring to radon risk assessment

Ribas, D. A., Curado, A. & Cachim, P. B.

Advances and Trends in Engineering Sciences and Technologies III. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Sciences and Technologies (ESaT 2018), September 12-14, 2018, High Tatr, (2019),

Envelope analysis of a habitable attic by the use of infrared thermography assessment

Kevin Aleixo, António Curado

AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2116, (2019),

RnMonitor: a WebGIS-based platform for expedite in situ deployment of IoT edge devices and effective Radon Risk Management

Sergio I. Lopes, Pedro M. Moreira, Antonio M. Cruz, Pedro Martins, Felisberto Pereira, Antonio Curado

2019 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), (2019), 451-457

RnMonitor: a WebGIS-based platform for expedite in situ deployment of IoT edge devices and effective Radon Risk Management

S.I. Lopes, F. Pereira, J.M.N. Vieira, N.B. Carvalho and A. Curado

In Proceedings of SmartCity 360° Summit, GreeNets 2018 – 5th EAI International Conference on Green Energy and Networking, November 21-23, 2018, Guimarães, Portugal., (2018),

RnMonitor: a WebGIS-based platform for expedite in situ deployment of IoT edge devices and effective Radon Risk Management

S.I. Lopes, A. Cruz, P.M. Moreira, C. Abreu, J.P. Silva, N. Lopes, J. Vieira and A. Curado

4th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), (2018),

RnMonitor: a WebGIS-based platform for expedite in situ deployment of IoT edge devices and effective Radon Risk Management

A. Curado, Sara Rodrigues, Orlando Morais

Proceedings of REHABEND 2018 - Construction Pathology, Rehab. Technology and Heritage Manag., edited by L. Villegas, I. Lombillo, H. Blanco, Y. Boffill, Cáceres, 15-18 May. ISBN:978-84-697-7032-0, (2018),

Short-term characterization of the indoor air radon concentration in a XII century monastery converted into a school building

Sérgio I. Lopes, João Silva, Ana Antão, António Curado

Energy Procedia, Volume 153, (2018), 303-308

Short-term characterization of the indoor air radon concentration in a XII century monastery converted into a school building

Ribas, D. A., Curado, A. & Cachim, P. B.

Book of Proceedings of ESaT 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Sciences and Technologies, (2018),

Short-term characterization of the indoor air radon concentration in a XII century monastery converted into a school building

F. Pereira, S.I. Lopes, J.M.N. Vieira, N.B. Carvalho and A. Curado

The 4th Smart City 360° Summit 2018, (2018),

Short-term characterization of the indoor air radon concentration in a XII century monastery converted into a school building

A. Curado, Sara Rodrigues, Orlando Morais

REHABEND 2018 - Construction Pathology, Rehabilitation Technology and Heritage Management, (2018),

Short-term characterization of the indoor air radon concentration in a XII century monastery converted into a school building

Ribas, D. A., Curado, A. & Cachim, P. B.

ESaT 2018 - 3rd International Conference on Engineering, Sciences and Technologies, (2018),

Short-term characterization of the indoor air radon concentration in a XII century monastery converted into a school building

S.I. Lopes, João Silva, Ana Antão, A. Curado

5th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research (ICEER 2018), Prague, Czech Republic, (2018),

Short-term characterization of the indoor air radon concentration in a XII century monastery converted into a school building

Curado, A., de Freitas, Vasco P

CONSTRUÇÃO2018 – reabilitar e construir de forma sustentável, (2018),

On the design of a Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical System for online monitoring and active mitigation of indoor Radon gas concentration

S.I. Lopes, A. Cruz, P.M. Moreira, C. Abreu, J.P. Silva, N. Lopes, J. Vieira e A. Curado

4th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), (2018),

On the design of a Human-in-the-Loop Cyber-Physical System for online monitoring and active mitigation of indoor Radon gas concentration

A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Book of Abstracts of CARIBMAT 2018: 2nd Caribbean Conference on Functional Materials, pp 35, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, February 6-9, 2018, (2018),

Indoor hygrothermal conditions and quality of life in social housing: A comparison between two neighbourhoods

Ramos, N.M.M., Almeida, R.M.S.F., Simões, M.L., Delgado, J.M.P.Q., Pereira, P.F., Curado, A., Soares, S., Fraga, S.

Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 38, (2018), 80-90

Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

S.I. Lopes, F. Pereira, J.M.N. Vieira, N.B. Carvalho and A. Curado

SmartCity 360° Summit, GreeNets 2018 – 5th EAI International Conference on Green Energy and Networking, (2018),

Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

Curado, A., de Freitas, Vasco P.

Livro de Resumos do congresso “CONSTRUÇÃO2018 – reabilitar e construir de forma sustentável”, pp. 51, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, 21-23 novembro 2018, (2018),

Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

Silva, João Pedro da Cunha Alves Ferreira da


Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

CARIBMAT 2018: 2nd Caribbean Conference on Functional Materials, (2018),

Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

F. Pereira, S.I. Lopes, J.M.N. Vieira, N.B. Carvalho and A. Curado

The 4th Smart City 360° Summit 2018, November 21-23, 2018, Guimarães, Portugal., (2018),

Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

S.I. Lopes, J.P. Silva, A. Antão, A. Curado

Energy Procedia, Volume 153, 2018, ISSN 1876-6102, (2018), 303-308

Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

Lages, Paulo Daniel Couto das


Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

J.P. Silva, A. Curado, G. Coelho, S.I. Lopes

Proceedings of TEERAS2017: Third East-European Radon Symposium 2017, 15-19 May 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, (2017),

Design of Compact LoRa Devices for Smart Building Applications

Carvalho, Lúcia Maria Alves de


Indoor Radon concentration assessment in a set of single family houses: Case study held in Barcelos, North of Portugal

Curado, A., Silva, J., Carvalho, L., Lopes, S.I.

Energy Procedia, Volume 136, (2017), 109-114

Indoor Radon concentration assessment in a set of single family houses: Case study held in Barcelos, North of Portugal

A. Curado, J.P. Silva, L. Carvalho, S.I. Lopes

ICEER 2017 – 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, (2017),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Aleixo, K., Curado, A.

AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1863, (2017),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

J.P. Silva, A. Curado, G. Coelho, S.I. Lopes

TEERAS2017: Third East-European Radon Symposium 2017, (2017),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

J. F. Silva, F. M. Silva, A. Curado

ITC User Conference 2017, (2017),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

J. F. Silva, F. M. Silva, A. Curado

Proceedings of ITC User Conference 2017, Coventry, UK, September 27–28, 2017. Pub. No. T560524_A_en-US, (2017),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Curado, A., Lopes, S.I.

4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency (BEHAVE 2016), (2016),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Seminário de encerramento da 13ª Edição do Projeto Ilídio Pinho – Ciência na Escola, (2016),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Rego, L., Curado, A., Aleixo, K., Laranjeira, F.

41st IAHS WORLD CONGRESS. Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, (2016),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Aleixo, K., Curado, A.

3rd Symposium on Modeling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering, (2016),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Curado, A., Lopes, S.I.

Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, (2016),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Silva, Francisco Armando Moreira da


Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

A. Curado, S.I. Lopes

Concurso para financiamento de Projetos de Investigação Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico em Institutos e Escolas Politécnicas (Projetos de IC&DT Politécnicos), (2016),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Curado A. Jornadas Técnicas de Reabilitação Urbana, (2016),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Rego, L., Curado, A., Aleixo, K., Laranjeira, F.

Proceedings of 41st IAHS WORLD CONGRESS. Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, (2016),

Energy performance analysis of a detached single-family house to be refurbished

Curado, A., Freitas, V.P., Ramos, N.M.M.

5.ª Conferência sobre Patologia e Reabilitação de Edifícios - PATORREB 2015, (2015),

Airtightness and ventilation in a mild climate country rehabilitated social housing buildings - What users want and what they get

Ramos, N.M.M., Almeida, R.M.S.F., Curado, A., Pereira, P.F., Manuel, S., Maia, J.

Building and Environment, Volume 92, (2015), 97-110

Airtightness and ventilation in a mild climate country rehabilitated social housing buildings - What users want and what they get

Ramos, N.M.M., Almeida, R.M.S.F., Pereira, P.F., Curado, A., Manuel, S.

5.ª Conferência sobre Patologia e Reabilitação de Edifícios - PATORREB 2015, (2015),

Analysis of user behavior profiles and impact on the indoor environment in social housing of mild climate countries

Ramos, N.M.M., Curado, A., Almeida, R.M.S.F.

Energy Procedia, Volume 78, (2015), 561-566

Analysis of user behavior profiles and impact on the indoor environment in social housing of mild climate countries

Curado, A.; Freitas, V.P.; Ramos, N.M.M.

Revista Construção Magazine, nº 68, pp.24-26, Julho-Agosto de 2015, (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado, A., De Freitas, V.P., Ramos, N.M.M.

Energy Procedia, Volume 78, (2015), 2790-2795

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado, A., Freitas, V.P., Ramos, N.M.M.

Livro de Atas da 5.ª Conferência sobre Patologia e Reabilitação de Edifícios - PATORREB 2015, pp. 944-949. Porto, Portugal, 26-28 março. ISBN 978-972-752-176-0 (2015), (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Ramos, N.M.M.; Almeida, R.M.S.F.; Pereira, P.F.; Curado, A.; Manuel, S.

Revista Construção Magazine, nº 68, pp.12-14, Julho-Agosto de 2015, (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Francisco Miranda and Carlos Abreu

Handbook of Research on Computational Simulation and Modeling in Engineering (ISBN10: 1466688238), IGI Global, September 2015. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8823-0, (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Silva, Ana, Lima, M. Manuela C. L., Curado, A.

Proceedings of Latin-American and European Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Communities, edited by L. Bragança, A. N. Yuba and C. E. de Alvarez, Guimarães, 21-23 July. ISBN 978-989-96543-8-9 , (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Ramos, N.M.M., Almeida, R.M.S.F., Pereira, P.F., Curado, A., Manuel, S.

Livro de Atas da 5.ª Conferência sobre Patologia e Reabilitação de Edifícios - PATORREB 2015, pp. 146-151. Porto, Portugal, 26-28 março. ISBN 978-972-752-176-0 (2015), (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado, A., Freitas, V.P., Ramos, N.M.M.

Livro de Resumos da 5.ª Conferência sobre Patologia e Reabilitação de Edifícios - PATORREB 2015, pp. 146-151. Porto, Portugal, 26-28 março. ISBN 978-972-752-176-0, (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado, A.; Freitas, V.P.; Ramos, N.M.M.

6th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2015), (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Ramos, N.M.M., Almeida, R.M.S.F., Pereira, P.F., Curado, A., Manuel, S.

Livro de Resumos da 5.ª Conferência sobre Patologia e Reabilitação de Edifícios - PATORREB 2015, pp. 237. Porto, Portugal, 26-28 março. ISBN 978-972-752-176-0, (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Silva, Ana, Lima, M. Manuela C. L., Curado, A.

Latin-American and European Conference on Sustainable Buildings and Communities (Euro ELECS 2015), (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Ramos, N.M.M.; Curado, A.; Almeida, R.M.S.F.

6th International Building Physics Conference (IBPC 2015), (2015),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Ramos, N., Curado, A. & Pereira, P.

Proceedings of NSB 2014, 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, edited by J. Arfvidsson, L. Harderup, A. Kumlin, B. Rosencrantz, Lund, Sweden, 15-19 June. ISBN: 978-91-88722-53-9, (2014),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Ramos, N., Curado, A. & Pereira, P.

NSB 2014, 10th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, (2014),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado A.

III Feira do Ambiente e Energia em Ponte de Lima - Jornadas Técnicas 'Eficiência Energética e Ambiental em Edifícios, (2014),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado A.

Seminário de encerramento Projeto “Rede de edifícios de impacto zero (r.ed_ZERO)”, (2014),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado, A.

Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil. FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, (2014),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado A.

Workshop do projeto “IPVC – Ciência para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000049, (2014),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado A.

Seminário do Projeto “INOVENERGY -Eficiência Energética do Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro e Norte”, (2014),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado, A., de Freitas, Vasco P. & Ramos, N.

Proceedings of the 2nd CESBP – Central European Symposium on Building Physics, edited by A. Mahdavi, B. Martens, Vienna, Austria, 9-11 September 2013. ISBN 978-3-85437-321-6, (2013),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Curado A., Cerqueira H. Jornadas de Sistemas de Energias Renováveis e Eficiência Energética, (2013),

Variability assessment of thermal comfort in a retrofitted social housing neighborhood based on "in situ" measurements

Ramos, N., de Freitas, V.P., Pereira, P., Curado, A. & Machado, A.

Joint Conference 34th AIVC - 3rd TightVent, 2nd Cool Roofs’ - 1st venticool, (2013),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Ramos, N., de Freitas, V.P., Pereira, P., Curado, A. & Machado, A.

Proceedings of the Joint Conference 34th AIVC - 3rd TightVent, 2nd Cool Roofs’ - 1st venticool, Athens, 25-26 September 2013, (2013),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, Vasco P. & Ramos, N.

2nd CESBP – Central European Symposium on Building Physics, (2013),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, V. P. & Ramos, N.

IEA Annex 55 RAP-RETRO, Fifth Meeting, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., Ferreira da Silva, J. & Silva Afonso, A.

Indian Plumbing Today n.º100, pp 12-19. Bhattha, Ahmedabad, India: Official Publication of Indian Plumbing Association, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, V. P. & Ramos, N.

Meeting minutes of IEA Annex 55 RAP-RETRO, Sixth Meeting, Leuven, 29-31 of October 2012, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, V. P. & Ramos, N.

IEA Annex 55 RAP-RETRO, Sixth Meeting, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., Ferreira da Silva, J. & Silva Afonso, A.

Proceedings of 38th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp. 355-369, edited by K. De Cuyper and L.B. Jack. Edinburgh, Scotland, 27-30 August, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, Vasco P. & Ramos, N.

4.º Congresso Nacional Construção, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., Ferreira da Silva, J. & Silva Afonso, A.

38th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, V. P. & Ramos, N.

Meeting minutes of IEA Annex 55 RAP-RETRO, Fifth Meeting, Viena, 23-25 of April 2012, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Ferreira da Silva, J., Curado, A. & Mendes, J.

Proceedings of 38th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp. 317-327, edited by K. De Cuyper and L.B. Jack. Edinburgh, Scotland, 27-30 August, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A.; Afonso, A.; Silva, J.

Indian Plumbing Today, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Ferreira da Silva, J., Curado, A. & Mendes, J.

38th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, Vasco P. & Ramos, N.

Livro de Resumos do 4.º Congresso Nacional Construção 2012, pp. 215, Coimbra, Portugal, 18-20 Dezembro 2012, (2012),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, V. P. & Ramos, N.

IEA Annex 55 RAP-RETRO, Fourth Meeting, (2011),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., Ferreira da Silva, J. & Silva Afonso, A.

37th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, (2011),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, V. P. & Ramos, N.

Meeting minutes of IEA Annex 55 RAP-RETRO, Fourth Meeting, San Antonio, 24-26 of October 2011, (2011),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., Ferreira da Silva, J. & Silva Afonso, A.

Proceedings of 37th International Symposium CIBW062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp. 78-85, edited by A. Silva Afonso, ANQIP, Aveiro, 25-28 Sept.. ISBN:978-989-97476-0-9, (2011),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Ferreira da Silva, J., Curado, A. & Mendes, J.

Proceedings of 37th International Symposium CIBW062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, pp. 135-141, edited by A. Silva Afonso, ANQIP, Aveiro, 25-28 Sept.. ISBN:978-989-97476-0-9:, (2011),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Ferreira da Silva, J., Curado, A. & Mendes, J.

37th International Symposium CIB W062 on Water Supply and Drainage for Buildings, (2011),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, V. P. & Ramos, N.

IEA Annex 55 RAP-RETRO, Second Meeting, (2010),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A.

Energias Renováveis, ed. Bárbara Gonçalves de Azevedo, 223 - 228. ISBN: 978-989-96529-0-3. Porto: Atelier Nunes e Pã, (2010), 223-228

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A., de Freitas, V. P. & Ramos, N.

Meeting minutes of IEA Annex 55 RAP-RETRO, Second Meeting, Copenhagen, 25-27 October 2010, (2010),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado A.

Seminário “Projeto Ecobrigadas, Quercus”, (2009),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado A.

Seminários Teppfa – The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association, (2008),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado A.

4.º Seminário de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, (2007),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado A.

Seminários Teppfa – The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association, (2006),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado A.

3.º Seminário de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho, (2005),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado A.

Seminários Teppfa – The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association, (2005),

Application of Blower Door Measurements in the Evaluation of Workmanship and Users Influence in Airtightness

Curado, A.

Tese de Mestrado em Construção de Edifícios, FEUP – Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto., (2004),

Select a project type

Viana S+T+ARTS Centre | The Place for Arts-Driven Blue Innovation

EUI-Innovative Actions 01-087- EU-FEDER | Pedro da Silva Delgado | From: 2024-03-01 To: 2027-08-31 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:22


0052_COMENERG_1_E (POCTEP) | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2023-07-01 To: 2026-06-30 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:22

WINd E+2023 | Upskilling technical workers from unsustainable energy sectors to boost employability in the fast-growing wind industry

2023-1-PT01-KA220-VET-000156817 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2023-11-01 To: 2025-10-31 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:22

FiberRec | End-of-life building materials recovery: processing of fibers from a circular economy perspective

2022.09272.PTDC | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2023-03-01 To: 2024-08-31 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25


NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000043 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2020-10-01 To: 2023-09-30 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25


POCI-01-0246-FEDER-181306-PAT.TECH | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2021-10-01 To: 2023-06-30 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25

KPI_HEI | Desenvolvimento de Indicadores-Chave de Desempenho de Sustentabilidade para Aplicação em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES)

proMetheus 6/2022 | Domingos António Garcia Ribas | From: 2022-02-01 To: 2023-01-31 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:23


PROJETO 10_SGS#1 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2021-01-01 To: 2022-12-31 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25

SEIVA | Sistemas Energéticos e Infraestruturas Verdes para Agricultura

Candidatura nº 1016 - Projeto SEIVA - Aviso n.º 6700/2021 | Ana Cristina Pontes de Barros Rodrigues | From: 2021-09-06 To: 2022-02-06 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25

UPAC | Unidades de Produção para Autoconsumo (UPAC) a partir de fontes energéticas renováveis: Avaliação de desempenho in situ

APOIO ESPECIAL VERÃO COM CIÊNCIA | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2021-08-23 To: 2021-09-23 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25

Social Green | Social Green - Regional Policies towards Greening the Social Housing Sector

| António José Candeias Curado | From: 2016-04-01 To: 2021-03-01 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:22

Asbestos Roof Sheet | Asbestos Roof Sheet Renovation in School Buildings - Pro-Sustainability Solutions

Apoio especial “Verão com Ciência” | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2020-08-01 To: 2020-10-01 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25

RnMonitor | Online Monitoring Infrastructure and Active Mitigation Strategies for Indoor Radon Gas in Public Buildings on the Northern Region of Portugal

POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023997 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2017-09-01 To: 2020-01-31 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25

r.ed_ZERO | Network buildings with impact zero

NORTE-07-0927-FEDER-000127 | António José Candeias Curado | From: 2010-11-01 To: 2014-03-01 António José Candeias Curado ind_type:25

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Publications: 1

Projects: 3

External Services: 1

Affordable and Clean Energy

Publications: 2

Projects: 4

Climate Action

Publications: 33

Projects: 3

External Services: 7

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Publications: 25

Projects: 8

External Services: 4

Responsible Consuption and Production

Publications: 2

Projects: 2

Life Below Water

Projects: 1