António Álvaro Labrincha Ferreira
- labrincha@estg.ipvc.pt
- Type: Integrated
- Last academic degree: PhD
- ORCID: 0000-0003-1768-718X
- Scopus ID: 57194496128
- Researcher ID/Publons: H-7453-2017
- Ciência ID: 5A1A-9704-9B0B
Name |
Análise da química de defeitos do óxido de cério dopado com gadolínea: situações de não equilibrioEduarda Gomes, António Ferreira, Devaraj Ramasamy,João C.C. Abrantes SIBAE XXVI Congress - Sociedad Iberoamericana de Electroquimica, (2024), ind_type:10 |
Effect of yttrium ion on the space charge potential across grain boundaries regions of gadolinia-doped ceria electrolytesE. Gomes, D. Ramasamy, A.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes Solid State Ionics, Volume 413, (2024), 116610 ind_type:2 |
Effect of yttrium ion on the space charge potential across grain boundaries regions of gadolinia-doped ceria electrolytesA.A.L. Ferreira, E. Gomes, J.C.C. Abrantes, F.M.B. Marques E-MRS 2024 FALL MEETING & EXHIBIT, (2024), ind_type:10 |
Effect of yttrium ion on the space charge potential across grain boundaries regions of gadolinia-doped ceria electrolytesE. Gomes, A.A.L. Ferreira, R. Devaraj, J.C.C. Abrantes E-MRS 2024 FALL MEETING & EXHIBIT, (2024), ind_type:10 |
Evaluating the Condition of Exterior Wood at Feel Viana Hotel in its Initial Years of Operation for Sustainable MaintenanceAlmeida, J. O., Delgado, P., Labrincha, A., Parauta, H., & Lima, B. Theory and Applications of Engineering Research, Vol. 9, (2024), 1-36 ind_type:8 |
Influence of Wetting-Drying Cycles on Wood Behaviour of Coastal Pedestrian WalkwaysFerreira, A.A.L., Delgado, P., Parauta, H., Löwenström, C.V., Almeida, J.O. Recent Progress in Materials, Volume 05, 01, (2023), 1-11 ind_type:5 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceAlmeida, J.O.; Delgado, P.; Labrincha, A.; Parauta, H.; Lima, B. Buildings, Volume 13, 8, (2023), 1883 ind_type:2 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceDevaraj Ramasamy, Eduarda Gomes, António A.L. Ferreira, João C.C. Abrantes E-MRS 2023 Spring Meeting, (2023), ind_type:10 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceAntónio A.L. Ferreira, Devaraj Ramasamy, Eduarda Gomes, João C.C. Abrantes E-MRS 2023 Spring Meeting, (2023), ind_type:10 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceD. Ramasamy, E. Gomes, A.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes 23rd World Hydrogen Congress (WHEC - 2022), (2022), ind_type:10 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceE. Gomes, D. Ramasamy, A.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes 23rd World Hydrogen Congress (WHEC - 2022), (2022), ind_type:10 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceEduarda.Gomes, Devaraj Ramasamy, António A.L. Ferreira, João C.C. Abrantes Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2, (2022), 842-844 ind_type:2 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceD. Ramasamy, E. Gomes, A.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2, (2022), 845-847 ind_type:2 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceAntónio A.L. Ferreira, Devaraj Ramasamy, Eduarda Gomes, João C.C. Abrantes Proceedings of WHEC 2022 - 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference: Bridging Continents by H2, (2022), 848-850 ind_type:2 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceA.A.L. Ferreira, D. Ramasamy, E., J.C.C. Abrantes 23rd World Hydrogen Congress (WHEC - 2022), (2022), ind_type:10 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceDevaraj Ramasamy, João C.C. Abrantes, Eduarda Gomes, António A.L. Ferreira, Jorge R. Frade ANM 2021, (2021), ind_type:9 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceEduarda Gomes, João C.C. Abrantes, António A.L. Ferreira, Devaraj Ramasamy, Jorge R. Frade ANM 2021, (2021), ind_type:10 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceJoão C.C. Abrantes, Eduarda Gomes, António A.L. Ferreira, Devaraj Nadar, Jorge R. Frade HYCELTEC 2019, (2019), ind_type:10 |
Damage Assessment of Pine Wood Facades in the First Years of Service for Sustainable MaintenanceE. Gomes, António A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, Jorge R. Frade Electroceramics XVI, (2018), ind_type:10 |
Materiais à base de Sr(Ti,Nb)O3 para sensores lambdaAntónio Álvaro Labrincha Ferreira Tese de Doutoramento , (2015), ind_type:5 |
Thermodynamic restrictions on mechanosynthesis of strontium titanateMonteiro, J. F., Ferreira, A. A. L., Antunes, I., Fagg, D. P., Frade, J. R. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, Volume 185, (2012), 143-149 ind_type:2 |
Thermodynamic restrictions on mechanosynthesis of strontium titanateC. Ferreira, S.I.C. Alexandre, N.M.D. Vitorino, A.A.L. Ferreira Kéramica , Volume Janeiro/Fevereiro, (2011), ind_type:5 |
Thermodynamic restrictions on mechanosynthesis of strontium titanateA.A.L. Ferreira, C.S.R. Freitas, Í.A.F.S. Pereira, M.L.G. Pereira e T.C.R. Simões Kéramica , Volume Março/Abril,, 301, (2010), 6-14 ind_type:5 |
Correlation between impedance spectra of bulk ceramics and films with in-plane configurationFerreira, A. A. L., Abrantes, J. C. C., Frade, J. R. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 30, 2, (2010), 221-225 ind_type:2 |
De-convolution of bulk and interfacial contributions based on impedance spectroscopy with external load resistanceFerreira, A. A. L., Horovistiz, A. L., Abrantes, J. C. C., Perez-Coll, D., Nunez, P., Frade, J. R. Materials Research Bulletin, Volume 44, 4, (2009), 884-888 ind_type:2 |
De-convolution of bulk and interfacial contributions based on impedance spectroscopy with external load resistanceAntónio A. L. Ferreira, Cesarina S. R. Freitas, Íngride A. F. S. Pereira, Maria L. G. Pereira e Teresa C. R. Simões Cerâmica Industrial, Volume 14, 3, (2009), 15-18 ind_type:5 |
Interpretation of impedance spectra based on local minima of imaginary Z vs frequencyAbrantes, J. C. C., Ferreira, A. A. L., Horovistiz, A. L., Frade, J. R. Electrochimica Acta, Volume 53, 28, (2008), 8222-8227 ind_type:2 |
Interpretation of impedance spectra based on local minima of imaginary Z vs frequencyC. Ferreira, S.I.C. Alexandre, N.M.D. Vitorino, A.A.L. Ferreira Cerâmica Industrial, Volume 13, 1 e 2, (2008), 43-45 ind_type:5 |
Interpretation of impedance spectra based on local minima of imaginary Z vs frequencyA.L. Ferreira, C.G. Ribeiro, M.G. Correia, L.G. Ferreira, A.M. Gonçalves e M.J. Ribeiro Kéramica , Jan/Fev, (2005), ind_type:5 |
Interpretation of impedance spectra based on local minima of imaginary Z vs frequencyA.A.L. Ferreira, C. Ribeiro, M. Correia, L. Ferreira, A. Gonçalves e M.J. Ribeiro Cerâmica Industrial 9, Volume 9, 3, (2004), 1-4 ind_type:5 |
Interpretation of impedance spectra based on local minima of imaginary Z vs frequencyJ.C.C.Abrantes, A.A.L. Ferreira, J.R.Frade OSSEP, Final Meeting, (2004), ind_type:10 |
Interpretation of impedance spectra based on local minima of imaginary Z vs frequencyA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes e J.R. Frade The Electroceramics IX-2004, (2004), ind_type:10 |
Electrical characterization of mullitealumina bodies based on Al-rich anodizing sludge by impedance spectroscopyRibeiro, MJ, Ferreira, AAL, Ferreira, JM, Labrincha, JA Ionics, Volume 9, 3-4, (2003), 238-241 ind_type:2 |
Stability and mixed ionic-electronic conductivity of (Sr,La)(Ti,Fe)O3-delta perovskitesFagg, DP, Kharton, VV, Frade, JR, Ferreira, AAL Solid State Ionics, Volume 156, 1-2, (2003), 45-57 ind_type:2 |
Stability and mixed ionic-electronic conductivity of (Sr,La)(Ti,Fe)O3-delta perovskitesA.A.L. Ferreira, M.J. Ribeiro e J.A. Labrincha Cerâmica Industrial, Volume 8, 1, (2003), 37-42 ind_type:5 |
Stability and mixed ionic-electronic conductivity of (Sr,La)(Ti,Fe)O3-delta perovskitesA.A.L. Ferreira, M.J. Ribeiro e J.A. Labrincha Kéramica , Julho/Agosto, (2003), ind_type:5 |
Impedance spectroscopy study of niobium-doped strontium titanate ceramicsAbrantes, JCC, Feighery, A, Ferreira, AAL, Labrincha, JA, Frade, JR Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 85, 11, (2002), 2745-2752 ind_type:2 |
Impedance spectroscopy study of niobium-doped strontium titanate ceramicsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.R. Frade 8th Euroconference on Science and Technology of Ionics, (2001), ind_type:9 |
Oxygen stoichiometry of Sr-0.97(Ti,Fe)O3-delta materialsFerreira, AAL, Abrantes, JCC, Jurado, JR, Frade, JR Solid State Ionics, Volume 135, 1-4, (2000), 761-764 ind_type:2 |
Oxygen stoichiometry of Sr-0.97(Ti,Fe)O3-delta materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, D. Fagg, J.A. Abrantes, J.R. Frade 12th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, (1999), ind_type:10 |
Oxygen stoichiometry of Sr-0.97(Ti,Fe)O3-delta materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade 12th International Conf. on Solid State Ionics, (1999), ind_type:9 |
Oxygen losses and electrical conductivity of SrTi1?yNbyO3+? materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 19, 6-7, (1999), 773-776 ind_type:2 |
Oxygen losses and electrical conductivity of SrTi1?yNbyO3+? materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Abrantes, J.R. Frade 12th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, (1999), ind_type:10 |
Oxygen losses and electrical conductivity of SrTi1?yNbyO3+? materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.R. Frade Conferência sobre a Investigação no Ensino Superior Politécnico, (1999), ind_type:10 |
Oxygen losses and electrical conductivity of SrTi1?yNbyO3+? materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade 5th Euroconference on Solid State ionics, (1998), ind_type:9 |
Oxygen losses and electrical conductivity of SrTi1?yNbyO3+? materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade Electroceramics VI - 98, (1998), ind_type:10 |
Oxygen losses and electrical conductivity of SrTi1?yNbyO3+? materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade 5th Euroconference on Solid State Ionics Benalmadena, Espanha, (1998), ind_type:11 |
Electrical conductivity of Sr1-xTiO3-? materialsJ.C.C. Abrantes, A.A.L. Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade Ionics, Volume 3, 5-6, (1997), 436-441 ind_type:2 |
Electrical conductivity of Sr1-xTiO3-? materialsA.A.L. Ferreira, J.C.C. Abrantes, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade 4th Euroconference on Solid State Ionics, (1997), ind_type:9 |
SrZrO(3)-Based Proton Conducting Materials with La AdditionsFerreira, A. A. L., Gharbage, B., Labrincha, J. A., Frade, J. R. Ionics, Volume 1, 5-6, (1995), 474-481 ind_type:2 |
Transport properties of Sr1 - x(Zr, Y, Ti)O3compositions with improved sinterabilityA.A. Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade Solid State Ionics, Volume 77, C, (1995), 210-214 ind_type:2 |
Transport properties of Sr1 - x(Zr, Y, Ti)O3compositions with improved sinterabilityA.A.L. Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade VII International Conference on Solid State Protonic Conductors, (1994), ind_type:11 |
Transport properties of Sr1 - x(Zr, Y, Ti)O3compositions with improved sinterabilityA.A. Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, J.R. Frade e F.M.B. Marques 3th Euroceramics, (1993), Vol. 2, 352 ind_type:11 |
Transport properties of Sr1 - x(Zr, Y, Ti)O3compositions with improved sinterabilityA.A. Ferreira, J.A. Labrincha, J.R Frade e F.M.B. Marques 3th Euroceramics, (1993), Vol. 2, 317 ind_type:11 |
Name |
proMetheus 7/2021 | Joana Maria Martins Rosa Maia de Oliveira Almeida | From: 2021-12-01 To: 2022-05-31 António Álvaro Labrincha Ferreira ind_type:23 |
POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032036 | João Carlos de Castro Abrantes | From: 2018-05-01 To: 2022-04-30 António Álvaro Labrincha Ferreira ind_type:25 |
| João Carlos de Castro Abrantes | From: 2003-03-01 To: 2006-08-31 António Álvaro Labrincha Ferreira ind_type:25 |
| João Carlos de Castro Abrantes | From: 2001-10-01 To: 2002-03-01 António Álvaro Labrincha Ferreira ind_type:25 |

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Publications: 7
Projects: 1

Affordable and Clean Energy
Publications: 5
Projects: 3

Climate Action
Publications: 1
Projects: 1

Sustainable Cities and Communities
Publications: 1