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Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Alexandre Brás dos Santos, Hugo Mesquita Vasconcelos, Tiago M. R. M. Domingues, Pedro J. S. C. P. Sousa, Susana Dias, Rogério F. F. Lopes, Marco L. P. Parente, Mário Tomé, Adélio M. S. Cavadas, Pedro

Fluids, Volume 10, 1, (2025), 10

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Nogueira, J.; Alonso, J.M.; Araújo, J. P.; Simões, S.; Nunes, L.; Leitão, B.

XIV Congresso Ibero-americano de Estudos Rurais, (2024),

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Botelho, C., Delgado, P., Arêde, A., Vila Pouca, N., Barbosa, J.

Sísmica2024 – 13º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, (2024), pp. 703-714

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Nogueira, J.; Alonso, J.M.; Araújo, J. P.; Simões, S.; Nunes, L.; Leitão, B.

XIV Congresso Ibero-americano de Estudos Rurais, (2024),

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Botelho, C., Delgado, P., Arêde, A., Vila Pouca, N., Barbosa, J.

Sísmica2024 – 13º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, (2024), pp. 703-714

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Alexandre Zaccaron; Vitor de Souza Nandi; Fabiano Raupp-Pereira; Adriano Michael Bernardin; Emily Saviatto; M.J. Ribeiro

Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais, 25º CBECiMat, (2024),

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Nogueira, J.; Simões, S., Brandão, D., Colaço, C., Skulska, I., Rodrigues, J.B.

II Rural Camp - Laboratório Rural de Paredes de Coura, (2024),

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Nogueira, J.; Simões, S., Brandão, D., Colaço, C., Skulska, I., Rodrigues, J.B.

II Rural Camp - Laboratório Rural de Paredes de Coura, (2024),

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Nogueira, J.; Alonso, J.M.; Araújo, J. P.; Simões, S.; Nunes, L.; Leitão, B.

XIV Congresso Ibero-americano de Estudos Rurais, (2024),

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Tomé, M.; Russo, M.; Lopes Laranjo, M.; Delgado, P.; Pereira, J.

CCS 2023 - 5ª conferência Campus sustentável - Capacitação para a ação climática: do campus à comunidade, (2023),

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Sandra Silva

9º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior (CNaPPeS), (2023),

Predictive Analysis of Structural Damage in Submerged Structures: A Case Study Approach Using Machine Learning

Ribeiro, A.R.L.; de Souza, Wanderson; Gemini-Piperni, S.; Borojevic, R.; Rocha, L A; Granjeiro, J. M.

BioMet 2018 - International conference on BioMaterials, BioEngineering, and BioTheranostics, (2018),

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Sustainable Cities and Communities

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