Mechanical Characterization Laboratory
Laboratório onde se realiza a preparação física (corte, mistura e instrumentação) e teste de materiais para obtenção de propriedades mecânicas. Os materiais são caracterizados e a avaliação da sua resistência mecânica medida em cenários de tração, compressão, corte, torção e flexão. bending.
Contact: Ricardo Pinto
Charpy Testing Machine
Ray Ran - RR/IMT
Mechanical Test Machine
Lloyd - LR30K
Mechanical testing machine
Shimadzu - AG-X Plus 100 kN
Universal Fatigue Testing Unit
Shimadzu - ServoPulser EHF-EV051k1-01N-0_E
Vickers and Knoop Microdurometer
Shimadzu - HMV-G21DT
Vickers, Brinell and Rockwell macrodurometer
Emco - Test DuraVision 20G5
Mechanical Characterization
Mechanical Characterization
- Evaluate the mechanical properties of various materials. Applying controlled forces to test specimens, measuring their response to determine properties such as strength, elasticity, ductility, and hardness subjecting a specimen to tension, compression, torsion, and bending.
Fatigue test of materials
- Fatigue testing involves subjecting a material to repeated cyclic loading to simulate real-world operating conditions and evaluate its durability and performance under cyclic stress.
- Measurement of parameters such as stress, strain, and number of cycles until failure, this testing system enables the determination of important fatigue properties like fatigue strength, endurance limit, fatigue life, and fatigue crack growth rate.
ESTG | ESARua D. Mendo Afonso, 147 Refóios do Lima | ESCE |