Structural and Microstructural Analysis Laboratory
Laboratório dedicado à análise estrutural e microestrutural de materiais. Os equipamentos relevantes são um microscópio electrónico de varrimento (SEM) dotado com análise elementar por espectroscopia de dispersão de energia (EDS) e um difractómetro de raios X.
Contact: João C.C. Abrantes
Carbon Coater
Quorum - Q150R E
Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (with SEM equipment)
Bruker - Quantax 200
FTIR Spectrometer
Shimadzu - IRAffinity-1S
Optical Microscopy with Digital Image Analysis
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Hitachi - SU1510
UV SEM Sample Cleaning
Hitachi ZONE II
X-Ray Difractometer (with high temperature chamber)
Bruker - D8 Advance DaVinci
Structure and microstructure charactarization of materials
Microstructural characterization of materials, namely:
- Microscopy analysis with magnification up to 50 000x
- Local chemical analysis by EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy)
- 3D topography including roughness measurements
- Crystallographic phase identification;
- Rietveld refinements;
- Lattice parameters determination;
- Quantitative mineralogical analysis;
- Determination of amorphous phase content;
- Chemical analysis by Identification and quantification of chemical compounds in organic and inorganic substances, including polymers, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals;
- Complementary information in studying the composition, structure, and bonding of materials, within the classes of polymers, ceramics, composites, and thin films.
ESTG | ESARua D. Mendo Afonso, 147 Refóios do Lima | ESCE |