Research Unit on Materials, Energy and Environment for Sustainability







Who we are

proMetheus is a research unit within the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (IPVC), bringing together 41 members, mainly Professors of the School of Technology and Management and the Agrarian School, also counting on the collaboration of researchers from other R&D units. proMetheus aggregates research skills in engineering sciences, namely on materials, mechanics, civil, environmental and geoinformatics. It aims to create global knowledge, to develop and implement innovative and intelligent technological solutions that contribute to a circular, low-carbon economy and sustainable socio-environmental systems, in alignment with regional, national, cross-border and global strategic options, including the ones defined in the scope of the Sustainable Development Goals.

News & Events

simpósio E2H - Eficiência energética e hídrica do edificado e das comunidades

O primeiro simpósio E2H será realizado em Coimbra nos dias 20 e 21 de junho de...


Fórum da Economia Azul

O evento é organizado pelo Rotary Club de Viana do Castelo e tem como objectivo...


13as Jornadas em Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente

No quadro da sociedade e da economia do conhecimento, a sustentabilidade das ati...


11th Annual World Congress of Ocean-2023 (WCO-2023)

WCO-2023 is intended to provide a platform for professionals around the world to...
